The Michael Motivation Cards


Card Context… You are being called. GO WITH IT!

4 Scholar

What this card means… Our Scholar self immerses into study and assimilating knowledge for the sake of wisdom and understanding.

14 Relaxation

What this card means… Go with the flow. Exert energy only to steer your course, not direct it. Best to relax at whatever pace is underway.

21 Pragmatist

What this card means… You win some, you lose some. Practicality demands balance between forces. Take some from each column and shape an outcome.

28 Stubbornness

What this card means… Stubbornness is about when to say NO! and when to exert will power.

35 Observation

What this card means… Watch and learn. Acquire information.

42 Instinctive

What this card means… Like all animals, you have instincts. Notice if you have a “hunch” about something. Perhaps the hair is standing up on the back of your neck?

49 Solar

What this card means… Striving to maintain appearances. Shine can come from the soul or from polish.

58 Soul-Spirit

What this card means… The Soul is about Essence of a situation. What is the Spirit beneath the intent.