Mar 222011

My determination and use of any or all belief system(s) is best expressed by author Joan Didion: “we tell ourselves stories so that we can live.” My own conclusion about the human mind is that in absence of other stories or narratives: archetypes, myths, histories, belief systems, or theories; our minds would otherwise take whatever available material and manufacture one for itself.  If for no other reason, to give the Intellectual Center something to do. The mind has a rapacious hunger for input. I suspect, we would be driven mad without stories and beliefs.

The Mind needs constant input and will create some itself if not stimulated.The facility of mind which seeks information and meaning may, in my experience of my own noodle, either acquires or will create a frame of reference and then fill it with data. Whether the frame or the data is itself, is already available in an existing belief system, (the example here is The Michael teaching) or any system of interrelated ideas, or one which originated within me, is almost irrelevant. The mind desires content. Structurally, it likes context, but I suspect context (inner sense) is something that comes from Essence. Regarding Essence, it is my perception that the “attractiveness” (or on the other end of the spectrum – revulsion) of a given narrative is a function of Soul Age and the Essence’s readiness to analyze new ideas.

All of this, I remind everyone is in context to the Physical Plane!

Whatever afterlife or higher planes might be, and for that matter my experience of channeling Michael all these years, it is my Intellect which contains it, labels it, categorizes it, and makes sense of it. For that, The Michael Teaching narrative has been the most inclusive, helpful and expansive. It allows me to have the widest possible schematic in which to analyze and form associations meaningful to me.

The facility of mind which seeks information and meaning may, in my experience of my own noodle, either acquires or will create a frame of reference and then fill it with data. Whether the frame or the data is itself, is already available in an existing belief system, (the example here is The Michael teaching) or any system of interrelated ideas, or one which originated within me, is almost irrelevant. The mind desires content. Structurally, it likes context, but I suspect context (inner sense) is something that comes from Essence. Regarding Essence, it is my perception that the “attractiveness” (or on the other end of the spectrum – revulsion) of a given narrative is a function of Soul Age and the Essence’s readiness to analyze new ideas.

All of this, I remind everyone is in context to the Physical Plane!

Whatever afterlife or higher planes might be, and for that matter my experience of channeling Michael all these years, it is my Intellect which contains it, labels it, categorizes it, and makes sense of it. For that, The Michael Teaching narrative has been the most inclusive, helpful and expansive. It allows me to have the widest possible schematic in which to analyze and form associations meaningful to me.

Various philosophers and scientists over the millennia have posited that general idea that “our reality” is a function of how I superimpose my internal perceptions and beliefs onto things as they are. While agreeing with this premise conditionally, specifically I might phrase it this way: “things are as they are, but it is my interaction with them that provide the relevance of meaning to me! Hence, whether Michael is real, a figment of my imagination, or something else altogether, I can only report my experience of it and then own the behavior done and choices made in applying the Michael Teachings as a matrix of evaluation for them.

So much for my beliefs.  🙂

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