
Half Year Update…Sacramento June 15th

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Jun 042012

An Evening with Michael:

Friday Night,  June 15th  – 7 – 9 pm.
$20 (limited seating best to RSVP if possible
Healing Roots Center in Sacramento (Click to Google Maps)
2701 Cottage Way, Suite 35, Sacramento, CA 95825
The Nexus of late April has reset more than a few of the karmic balances causing more than a few anxieties and some profound course changes. During May, and arising for the next few months, many will sense these. Know that the “juice” is everywhere and try not to pin it onto one source event or person. There are also some instabilities in the both the physical Earth, some quakes to be exact (already had 2 moderate ones); and the wildcard of global financial shake-up, that broadcast a disruptive and unsettling energy around the globe and through the whole of humanity. In other words, it ain’t just you and it may not even be about you!

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Happy Post Memorial Day…

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May 292012

Remembering my Father

Memorials means paying tribute to the memory of the dead; particularly on this date the dead American soldier or veteran. My father who would have been 93 this year, was a veteran of 2 wars: WWII and Korea. The devastation it wrought in his life and the impact it had upon my mother, sister and me, shaped all of us.  Continue reading »

2012 Update – Michael on Passion and Growth

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Apr 162012
[Michael Assessment]
“Growth does not always attend acquisition or expansion. Sometimes, the betters angels of one’s nature arise, and as a result induce strength and improve integrity, when hardship or adversity seem to be the dominant theme. Summing up the year to date, many have found a rather slow coming to terms with that one can still have trust in. The King demands for itself a reliable source of trust before it ventures into something new.

Prayer: Attention to Intention

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Mar 192012

Some recent channeling I received explained more about the nature of prayer, its function, what it does for us, and how with repetition, it can move your mind and emotions into an attitude where action becomes more immediate and more effective.

About Prayer: Or call it focused intention.

Prayer is talking to myself! Oh yes, I might believe that I am being listened too by whatever one calls God, no matter if you refer to it as: Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Spirit, Universe, TAO, or Source. But if I speak my invocation aloud; my intended target might be God, but it is my own hearing which is the first receiver! Continue reading »

I’m taking the 5th…Internal Monad, that is!

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Mar 052012

In a conversation with a friend of mine, she mentioned that while reading a couple of my recent newsletters, she determined that their short length was a hint that something had happened to me. Her actual words were “what have you done with my Cocconi?” The implication, of course, that since I am better known for my verbosity, than my brevity, something was amiss with me. I’m taking the 5th! No not a fifth of tequila (though it sounds tempting); nor the fifth amendment – where I withhold from you in fear of being self incriminating; but the 5th Internal Monad.(IM)..aka “review of life task.” Continue reading »

Jan 162012
by Stephen Cocconi ©2012

A Hummingbird telling a rival to wait its turn.I live in the Sierra Foothills at a place I call Hummingbird House, because of the small contingent of “hummers” that visit our feeders. They daily perform a passion play for me where the actors may improvise their parts, but the theme of the story is always the same. It is a theme of cooperation through contest: confrontation for the sake of demonstrating the urgency of one’s need.

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Strong Emotions create Polarization

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Jan 102012

Leary of intensity? Leary of so-called logic?


My heart is increasingly weighed upon by the realization that polarization in almost every venue of human interaction is dominated by unacknowledged “fear of other” which herds us into “sides”, makes being “right” a blood lust, makes being open to compromise an act of “weakness” or listening to the other person a traitorous act of disloyalty; and which brings more punishment from your own so-called “side” than would come from the so-called “enemy”. To be intolerant of extremism is the only appropriate use of such an extreme position. But I don’t for a moment pretend nor postulate some ideological or intellectual “superior” stance when attempting to justify it. The simple truth is, I get afraid of rage that has boiled into hatred because no one has the simple courage to say. “what you do scares me.” And actually listen to the other “here is what you do that scares me.” It is that admission alone which unifies us as foibled, vulnerable human beings. And in that…We Are All One! Is anyone else tired of the rancor masquerading as thought?

After the Fanfare…what now?

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Jan 102012

by Stephen Cocconi © 2012

It seems that there is an element of “wait and see” in the air. If Mitt Romney becomes the defacto Republican candidate to face President Obama, then who will win that contest? Then what happens after that? And what about the Economy? Will it rebound or what if it sinks further into a slump? Have the protest movements here and abroad actually had any real or meaningful effect on policies or freedoms? Then there is the Earth…will it revolt with more radically jolting fits like earthquakes? And of course there is the European Union and the Euro? What will happen there? What about my retirement? And to cap it all off, what happens when we hit December 23, 2012? Obliteration? Transformation? Or will it all have been simply a build up which was preceded by a collective mental masturbation? Continue reading »

Love Will Prevail…More on 11-11-11

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Nov 162011
From the November 15th Newsletter

Spiritual pronouncements and metaphysical interpretations can vary as much as flowers or as bugs. Case in point, the analogy I just used. It was a choice on my part (and for all of us) how to frame a set of circumstances and then form a perspective about them. Continue reading »