80/20 Rule of Realist Self Review


by Stephen J Cocconi ©2019

80-20-rule of Personal Self-Review How does one effectively assess one’s progress? Simple actually, you measure it. How many times you do something and how many times you do not. The result is a ratio.

I borrow this famous 80/20 ratio from Italian economist Vilfredo Perato (also called “the Perato Principle”) and adapt it to effectiveness for personal growth.

It’s original treatise is still relevant for my metaphorical adaptation. It specifies this simple assessment: 80% of effects stem from 20% of causes. Transposing this business resource equation onto one’s own behavior I interpret is in several ways:

  1. Does 80% of my behavior reflect my principles, values, or stated concerns? If not, how often does it? Another words, what is the actual ratio?
  2. The more I aim to be 80% consistent between word and deeds the greater the likelihood of achieving self trust AND achieving the actual results I desire.
  3. Are 80% my real values, personality, principles, goals actually being asserted, followed, or pursued in my daily life?
  4. What 20% of my activities, beliefs, or possessions could I eliminate and could feel actually liberated? List those items. Take action.
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