Old Soul Communications

Old Soul Facilitation of the Mature Soul “Conscious Awareness” Era
Building Bridges and Handling the Juice of Polarization
Using the No-Fault Communication™ Methods
A 12-week Course by Stephen Cocconi of The Applied Michael Approach™

Like Adam reaching for contact with God, NoFault allows us to drop the emotional barriers with prevent contact.

What’s It about?

This Course if about Narratives!

  • The ones we tell ourselves.
  • The ones that you share with others.
  • The ones that others share with you.
  • The ones that go unspoken but operate below the surface.
  • …and how to listen for them and speak to them!

Who’s it for?

This is a Pragmatic skill-building course for the person who values Realism and who desire to cultivate a Stoic’s calm with a Skeptic’s inquisitiveness to name both one’s principled Ideals and Spiritual values, while honoring the protective intentions embedded in Cynicism. You can do this! We must go this direction!

Begins Thursday, January 7th, 2021 @ 5pm PT (Convert to Your Time Zone)

Why do we need it? Overview of Current Reality:

The Human race has crossed a threshold in 3 significant ways:
  1. A realization that we can choose the direction of our society.
  2. A movement toward shrinking the importance of national/ethnic/caste identities. Because…
  3. Planet Earth has reached her carrying capacity for human life!

As we enter a new political and environmental era, we must find a way to “get on the same page.” To get there we must communicate in ways that address the truths and fears of others as to build bridges to a common ground.

Each of these realities has produced opposing viewpoints. Some realize them directly, boldly, even if bleakly, but clearly without denial; and are sobered by them, yet with a desire to address and solve them. On the other end of the spectrum are those denying them, terrified of such ideas and demand to retreat into familiar mental harbors of traditionalism, religious higher powers, or seeking deliverance by some macho authoritarian potentate. These stances are far apart in World Views and emotional allegiances. Polarization has caused a breakdown of communications at a time when we need all Citizens of Earth to pull together. So how do we move beyond these forces? By acknowledging that both are survival strategies just of divergent beliefs.

Answer: By learning to listen and speak with No-Fault Communication.

In this 12 Week Course, we’ll begin to deconstruct what, and how, a message is composed: the narrative, the belief, the emotion, the strategy and the positive intention driving it. But under-girding the basics of deconstructing narratives is to learn the skill of, and strengthen, your Metaness i.e. the ability to stay centered in awareness even in the midst of emotional upheaval. To achieve these aims, we’ll concentrate on actively identifying and naming the thrust of all communications: The Emotions that drive them! Once identified, their import can be measured and accounted for. To achieve this study, we’ll use two graphic tools of the Applied Michael Approach™ – The Vitality Tone and Attitude Scale© and the SomaMeter or Zing-Clunk Scale© for precise measurement of the qualities and quantities of emotions present in a communication. With these exact locators, one can establish a safer platform to discuss more than the fixations on positions, assertions or defenses intoned by another (or some other part of yourself); so you can get to a deeper, clearer source of the principle, intention, or value being conveyed.

To do this we will examine precisely how a person formed their opinion, called a context; then merge critical thinking with intuitive observation and sensory detection i.e. feltsense; to assist all in greater comprehension of where similarities coincide and differences diverge. As you expand all your intelligences: intellectual, emotional, and sensory, you will refine your spiritual guidance system, euphemistically called your on-board “Geiger Counter.” Then you can consciously track the intensity of emotional radiation present in any circumstance and thus learn to engage it with more effectiveness, confidence and feelings of safety. When your cognition is developed into an instrument that can accurately detect these subtleties in communication, you become a potent change agent. Advancing comprehension and compassion while shifting from aggressive/defensive adversary, to witness, and then potentially, to partner in problem solving! And on occasion, when to set a boundary or end a relationship, as well.

If you want to see progress in understanding yourself, realigning your relationships, expanding human consciousness, and perhaps even healing the Earth itself; then as Mahatma Gandhi famously said “be the change you wish to see in the world.”

This is a Course to move you toward the horizon of becoming the Humane Being that we are destined to evolve into! Time to move toward that new frontier…together!

These classes ask you to expand your mindfulness and further comprehend the power emotions which often bias us toward using beliefs like ideology, theories, or dogmas as strategies to justify, avoid or defend them. It is time to move beyond notions of Right or Left, or pronouncing who is right and who is wrong; in order to arrive at a common humanity where the misalignment’s or misunderstandings that are connected to pain, fear, or shared injury, can be acknowledged. From that place of respect and rapport you can discover the mutual aspirations held by both parties and create a better future together rather than imposing one on the other. It is time to invent our future with new approaches to strengthen our resolve in joint activities.

This is a Pragmatic skill-building course for the Realist who wishes to learn a Stoic’s calm with a Skeptic’s inquisitiveness to name both one’s principled Ideals and Spiritual values, while honoring the protective intentions embedded in Cynicism. You can do this! We must go this direction!

Who is this Course designed for?

  • Any Young, Mature or Old Soul capable of self-reflection and who values learning, awareness, and courage.
  • For all those who recognize the divide in World Views BUT who desire to emphasize bridge building rather than defending barricades.
  • To find ways of granting yourself and others permission TO BE and be generous with forgiveness in disagreements.
  • Open-minded persons who desire to heal the rifts that have not only divided our World, but who want to form new human practices reversing the trends leading to Earth’s destruction and its capacity to sustain us.
  • For anyone who wants to find ways to remain effective in the face of feeling overwhelmed. This means being active and not passive in your engaging the material of this Course. Enter with a beginner’s mind and heart.

Course Logistics and Details

Each 2-hour class will be comprised of an introduction to course assumptions, linguistic concepts and processes supporting them. Plus, an examination of emotions as a carrier wave of human intentions, protections and projections. The second half of each class will be engaged in dyads working the processes in mutual practice.

Begins: Thursday, September 28th, 2021

Time: 5pm Pacific Time in CA – Check your local time zone for equivalent start times.

Platform: Zoom Video Conferencing*

Price: $250 (Includes a 90 page manual):  In the Case of Need, special payment arrangements may be explored.

To Register Call: Stephen Cocconi @ 209-768-4956 or Email Me @ services@themichaelteaching.com

Upon Course Registration and Payment you will be sent the Zoom Link which will be ongoing for the Course

Online Registration using PayPal Click Here: $250

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