I and Self


Translation of an excerpt from a chapter from ” Wisdom of the Soul Trance Messages about the Meaning of Existence” (page 409 ff) Causal High Teacher: Die Quelle (The Source) German original title “Weisheit der Seele Trancebotschaften über den Sinn der Existenz” von Varda Hasselmann und Frank Schmolke, © 1995 Arkana, München Translation: Dr. Torsten Sohns Editorial support: Bill Getman Translation authorized by Varda Hasselmann, March 2021

I and Self

“… we (Die Quelle) no longer possess an I, although we know it from earlier stages of our unfoldment. …

An I, we said, consists of all aspects of the matrix (translator’s note: Die Quelle uses “matrix” for the composition of personality traits from Essence properties and Overleaves), but the realm beyond that, from soul family (entity) to the union of seven families (cadre) and their greater union of seven times seven families (cadre group), is the Self.

The I in a form liberated from certain limitations of corporeality is not gone away on the astral plane until the soul family is merged with its last member. The I, by the way, is more than just the fear side of the matrix. It encompasses the whole person, including its love. …

Your I is the one that develops the questions, the I is the one that wants to know. It is pushing for expansion, being carried in conscious and unconscious parts by the dynamic pulse of bringing to light more and more of what we can share. …

The I of two people is different for each person, as you know from looking at the respective matrices, or soul patterns, of those two people. The layer of the respective soul families above is also still different, but they are already summarized by a shell of similarity, by the union of the soul families with its overarching concern. It is here where you are no longer differentiated, where one and the same willing carries you. Of decisive importance in everything is the interplay of the different and the equal, between I and self. It is about an always existing duality of being. …

We have spoken elsewhere about the difference between inner and higher self (Worlds of the Soul p. 165 ff “The Seven Voices”). We would like to place the different terms that are circulating among you in a system which we are going to explain now.

The Inner Self, that is to say the voices of fear, inner truth and intuition, belongs entirely to the I. It is part of the matrix, of the poles and the tension between the poles and of the earthly experience. The voice of fear is assigned to the minus poles of the matrix, the voices of inner truth and intuition to the plus poles.

With the Higher Self we mean the still personal self of the soul family, while the overarching shell of the self, the so–called Great Self, no longer has anything to do with the higher self as you know and call it.

The Great Self is also accessible to each of you in every second of an earthly life. But we ask you not to claim that it may always be consciously accessible!

Conscious contacts with this large area of the personal and transpersonal self are extremely rare, and that is a good thing. You are on earth to experience your I, its possibilities and its limits, its earthly dimensions in contact with other I’s that you call You.”

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