Inner and Higher Self: The Seven Voices


Translation of a chapter from “Worlds of the Soul – Trance Messages of a Medium” (page 165 ff)
Causal High Teacher: Die Quelle (The Source)

German original title “Welten der Seele – Trancebotschaften eines Mediums”,
von Varda Hasselmann und Frank Schmolke, © 1993 Goldmann Verlag
Translation: Dr. Torsten Sohns
Editorial support: Bill Getman
Translation authorized by Varda Hasselmann June 2020

Inner and Higher Self: The Seven Voices

There is not just one inner instance or one inner voice, but in each of you there is a whole choir. You can also think of it as a body consisting of many individual advisors. The members of this board tell you things that you must then consciously review and rethink.

In order to explain the voices of this inner board to you more clearly, we want to proceed a little systematically, by building up what we have to say in such a way that you can distinguish the individual instances.

    1. First, the voice of fear is the one you hear most often and loudest. And many, if not most, of you confuse the voice of fear – the advice that this voice gives – with what others call your inner voice or intuition. The voice of fear will continuously suggest to you what to do or not to do next so that it can feel comfortable and unfold to its fullest. It will also tell you where you can find protection from the other voices. It will suggest how to behave so that you can maintain control over your life situation. The voice of fear is loudest when you think you are not in fear. It flatters and praises. It is friendly and protective, and often takes on the tone that is actually that of other instances. The voice of fear is flexible and adaptable like a chameleon.

So, the first thing you have to learn is to distinguish this voice from the others. For if you cannot identify the voice of fear, you will always fall for its flattery. The voices of the other instances are so much finer and softer that they will easily fade into the background and will only be heard like a humming sound unless you prick up your ears and tune out the loud basic noise of fear.

    1. Secondly, there is the voice of intuition. You can recognize it by the fact that it does not rely on arguments. Fear always has arguments. Fear justifies and fear provides reasons. But the voice of intuition has no need to give reasons for the advice it gives you. Intuition is a result. Intuition belongs to your mental abilities and is the result of experience. Intuition does not come from outside. It is a part of your basic equipment. Each of you has it to the extent that you allow it and want it. And to allow intuition means not to want to rationally secure the clues that exist within you – neither before nor thereafter.

Intuition is the voice that is most directly connected with your impulses for action. There is little space between the voice of intuition and the consequences you draw from it. All ifs and buts kill this voice. The voice of intuition is very quickly shouted over by the voice of fear, for fear wants to protect itself. It wants to have good reasons to do or not to do. Intuition, on the other hand, wants to have an immediate effect and quickly withdraws when this immediacy is no longer guaranteed. If you want to hear it, then make sure that you do not add any ifs or buts that will silence it.

    1. Thirdly, we want to speak of what we call the voice of your inner truth. This is the voice of your cleansed, relaxed, temporarily fear-free psyche. But it is not only a voice but also an image. Inner acoustics and inner vision work very closely together under this aspect. Voice and vision of inner truth can only be perceived in moments of love and relaxation. Inner truth is subjective. It cannot and must not compare itself with other subjective or even objective truths, because this comparison destroys it, prevents it from articulating itself.

If you wish to recognize the voice and the vision of your inner truth, you must strive to respect it as something incomparable, in the best sense of the word genuine; some­thing that comes only from you and reflects only you as an unmistakable individuality in a place where you are completely yourself with all that you have already achieved.

And when we speak of accomplishments, we mean not only what you have accomplished in this life, but also what you bring as the sum of your experiences from all your previous existences. Your inner truth can never be the truth of any other person. So, when you try to reassure yourselves by trying to find people who will confirm this inner truth, you fall into a chess move of your fear. Then the respect that is due to your inner truth, which only you can muster, is destroyed.

    1. Fourthly, the board of the inner voice is the instance that allows contact to be made between you who are in the body and those who have something to say to you, even though they are not in the body at the same time. This is first of all the population of the second astral territory, those who have not yet completed the cycle of incarnations and who are related to you in many ways. As relatives we refer to those who have been close to you in this or that existence, because they have been in direct contact with you. As siblings we refer to those who belong to your soul family, but do not meet you in every physical existence, for example, because they live geographically far away from you.

This fourth instance makes itself felt as advisors and helpers. And while we want to call the first three voices the inner self, the term higher self would be more appropriate here in some respects, if it is clearly stated that this higher self is not completely outside of you and is also not so far away that you can only reach it with effort.

The voice of a higher self thus defined lives within you. You can hear it if you listen attentively to your inner workings and consciously open yourself to the possibilities of such communication.

The second territory of the astral world is always accessible to you. It is present within you. It can give you some help, some advice, in which you can trust. And it is stronger than the voices of fear. For fear is most effective while you are in the waking state, imagining that you are firmly in control of your life. But when you go to rest and sink into sleep, phases of fear alternate with phases of non-fear. And whenever your sleep grants you phases of non-anxiety, you can hear the voices of the astral world that are well-disposed to you and want nothing more than to guide you. So if you want to have conscious access to these voices, there is only the possibility that you can let yourself in on your dreams in such a way that you can save the messages that are being conveyed to you into your waking consciousness.

The possibilities of dream guidance and dream interpretation, which have become known to you over the past years and which have systematically opened up an access to dreams without overloading it with dogmatic beliefs as before, are very well suited to hear the voices of astral relatives and siblings.

    1. Fifthly, the voices of the third astral territory speak to you, the voices of your soul brothers and sisters who have already been finally freed from the body. In order to hear their voices, a conscious act of trusting devotion is required.

The voices of souls freed from fear, while still being incomparably closely associated with you, are at your uninterrupted disposal. Nevertheless, it is desirable that you consciously acknowledge the contact that exists anyway, and that you open your­selves to them in a way that lifts communi­cation from the unconscious level to the conscious.

You can easily do this if you find yourself ready, on the basis of trust in these instances and in their existence, to move into a relaxed position in which your mind and consciousness remain awake, and in which you ask a question on an issue that concerns or worries you, touches you or torments you. Then simply trust that an answer will be given to you, an answer that will be heard not with your outer ears but with your inner ones. And an answer that becomes visible through images, through associations or memories, so that a structure emerges that is comparable to that of an ordered puzzle that previously consisted of a box full of confusing pieces. What you need to add in order to get a clearly audible answer is the confidence that this answer exists, that it is within you, and that you have helpers to help you put the puzzle in order. They will give you the answer. They will articulate themselves in a form and in a way that ensures that you can hear the answer.

If there is talk of a personal Buddha, he can be related to these helpers of the third astral territory. For what is called the inner Buddha is the fear-free part of your soul family. Never forget that you are fragments and as such part of a whole. You are like fragments of an ancient jar, which in themselves are interesting and valuable, but which take on a different meaning and form a new whole when they are reassembled with all the other fragments of that vessel. The jar contains the meaning of your existence. And you will only begin to truly recognize it when you move from the fragmented state back into the healed one.

    1. Sixthly, there is not only an inner Buddha, but also a guide who is both inside and outside of you and who communicates with you. If you acknowledge the existence of the different worlds of consciousness, it will be metaphorically comprehensible to you when we tell you that this Buddha, who of course has no material form, has one foot in the causal plane and one foot in your individual physical-psychic world.

And just as we have indicated to you that it is necessary to call the inner Buddha, so it is even more necessary to ask and call the Spirit Guide described above to give you clear messages as an inner voice. For this instance, consists of those reunited soul vessels or soul structures that are entrusted with tasks that imply making contact with embodied soul families, or soul families that are partly in the physical and partly in the astral world. This voice belongs to the great field of inspiration. Inspiration can only be received when a person is ready to make himself available for this inspiration. And this readiness, this opening, only happens when the person temporarily frees himself from the fear that is triggered when an inspirational voice exercises control over him and overrides his own system of protection, control and ego. For the two cannot coexist.

There’s only an either/or here. The person who wants to open up to inspiration from the causal level must learn to temporarily expose himself to the fear of lack of control without fighting it. This is done by acquiring a technique that allows him to put aside his control and protection system for a few minutes or more to make room for the energies of teaching and healing inspiration.

We are now talking about the deepest and most secret layers of fear, those layers that at first seem to all people to be indispen­sable and essential for their survival. But communication with the voices of the causal level can only penetrate into consciousness if this willingness to temporarily entrust one’s own survival to another instance is achieved.

As you can see, with the number of voices you can hear within you, the need for trust and willingness to identify fear as such grows, so that it does not make the more subtle and brighter voices inaudible.

    1. The seventh voice that you can hear will rarely turn to you. Now it is no longer up to you whether you want to hear it or not. The seventh voice is the voice of the combined forces of the causal world who turn to you when they have come to the realization that they are giving you certain difficult tasks and want to teach you how to do them. To hear this seventh voice is a grace and not the result of a desire to communicate. Rarely enough will you hear it. And when we say ‘rarely’ we mean that it will not happen more than twice or three times during an entire incarnation cycle.

This last voice will manifest itself as an undeniable calling: a calling that neutralizes all other forces and fears. A vocation that no longer recognizes the limits of the ego, a vocation that transcends all limits of personality and the individual imprint of fearful clinging to life and refusal of love.

So, if you want to learn to hear these voices of the inner board, first learn to distinguish them from one another. Fear is a diligent, but not a good advisor. All other voices, those of intuition, those of personal truth, the voices of the inner self and the voices of the higher self are easier for you to hear than you are aware of.

The higher self is a teacher for many of you. You are in contact with those who are teaching you from the third territory of the astral world. But you are also in contact with teachers of the causal plane when you have decided to learn from them. We have already indicated to you that you can bring the power of trust even more into these contacts, so that it can become a light-hearted communication supported by both parties.

The neutralization of the basic fear thus works hand in hand with the ability to hear the inner voices. Whenever fear makes you believe “I can’t do this. I can’t do that. I am not able to do that. I am not worthy of it” the voices will become quieter and almost inaudible to you.

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