The Michael Motivation Cards


Card Context… You are being called. GO WITH IT!

3 Warrior

What this card means… Challenging, dynamic, terse, and willing to be confront life. The Warrior Self holds the perspective of life that it is a battlefield.

7 King

What this card means… The energy of sovereign rights and personal power. The King/Queen is that Role that defines and holds a domain.

10 Submission

What this card means… A message involving priorities. Your task trumps yourself at this moment for attention. Give of yourself fully but not to the point of total defeat.

11 Dominance

What this card means… Are you ready to climb the ladder of success? Move ahead of others with style and competency. This signifies a time where allies are gained or lost.

17 Cynic

What this card means… Look at any argument with a critical eye and if necessary attack it.

18 Realist

What this card means… Time to strip away hopes, speculations, and prejudices. What really is? Work with what’s in front of you or is possible to achieve. Now.

24 Martyrdom

What this card means… This card alerts you that a selflessness act is required. Yes, this means you do the work, assume the cost. Are you going to whine about it?

25 Impatience

What this card means… Getting ahead of yourself? Impatience shows a fear of missing out, of lost opportunity, of frustration for past events that seemed to fail.