The Michael Motivation Cards


Card Context… You are being called. GO WITH IT!

1 Server

Card Context…Drop all airs and be of service.

6 Priest

What this card means… The Priest Self, climbs upon a pulpit for their power. They seek to find and relay the best way to achieve the righteous path. You are looking to be on the right side of the issue…as you define it.

12 Re-evaluation

What this card means… The motto of this card is reduce, review, rethink. The energy calls for stripping away all that isn’t necessary.

13 Growth

What this card means… A surge of omni-directional energy is the hallmark of this card. Push or you will be pushed!

19 Stoic

What this card means… Be still. Listen. Get calm. If action is required, do it from this place. Do not confuse numbness with peace.

20 Spiritualist

What this card means… Let spirit move you! Your Spirit is that indefinable presence of energy, power, and sense of urgency.

26 Self Deprecation

What this card means… Self Deprecation asks, “are you or anything worthy?” This is the dilemma presented in this card. Modesty can make the best of a situation while doubt can make the worse.

27 Arrogance

What this card means… The message is about being superior. Are you afraid of being inferior?