The Michael Motivation Cards

23 Greed

What this card means… Greed is the fear of scarcity. You are being asked to consider your desires and whether they exist because of shortfall or aspiration.

25 Impatience

What this card means… Getting ahead of yourself? Impatience shows a fear of missing out, of lost opportunity, of frustration for past events that seemed to fail.

27 Arrogance

What this card means… The message is about being superior. Are you afraid of being inferior?

30 Power

What this card means… This card is about Power vs Force and being authentic with it accountable for it.

32 Aggression

What this card means… Indicates a time for daring action. Fighting for truth is a virtue.

34 Passion

What this card means… Passion denotes exuberant love and spontaneous outburst. Many a romance has been started because of passion. Are you in it for the long run or a fleeting moment?

37 Higher Intellectual

What this card means… To have a moment of truth! An Ah-ha that opens up an entirely new dimension of thought and realization. It pertains to axioms and maxims that go unquestioned.

39 Higher Moving

What this card means… A card dealing with harmony, synchronization, and seemlessness. When this energy is active it is primal, sexy, and stirs the soul for intimate physical contact.

40 Emotional

What this card means… All about issues of the heart. Emotions give relevance to everything. This card says pay attention to them and notice what they reveal about a circumstance.