The Michael Motivation Cards™

Inner Artisan Sub-Personality

Artist palette - Symbol of the ArtisanThe Artisan archetype layout is useful to explore a creative idea, undertaking or venture.  This spread offers points of consideration about your endeavor and asks you to consider the why and how aspects of your motivation. How is what I present or project congruent with my Self?
  • Card 1. Outward Manifestation or Ego Personification of your version of the Role - How does this Role show itself through me to the general public or in the eyes of people observing me? It is my Homo Sapien animal (EGO) display of this precept in the venues of my life that calls upon it to be shared or employed.  Perhaps and occupation?
  • Card 2. Inward Personality Experience - What is your opinion or feeling about this Role? Do you like what it does? Do you resent or ignore it? Does it impress upon you an important element or a superfluous condition. In general,  are there any biases or prejudices about this Role's nature that influence the way you deal with them?
  • Card 3. Essence History with this Role in the Unconscious - Over many life times, you have inevitably been placed in circumstances where the attributes of this Role were called upon and developed in order to experience that incarnation. A Sub-Personality is developed and carries over from life-to-life with its own memories and methods. That Sub may have a strong Karmic or Self Karmic influence or lay dormant.
  • Card 4. What Inhibitions, Impediments or Sabotages does this Role Sub Personality present to me? - This card, even when in the positive poles, might indicate where you or the other might 'get in their own way', or too much of a good thing becomes a drag on progress. This card suggests that positive and desired may be rooted in light or dark motives. Notice your reaction to the same.
Artisan – Creation, Innovation, Selection, Style, Inventor, Fantasy, Poser, Camouflaged, 

Get a Michael reading with this layout:

1. Outward Personification.
How does my Service or assistance look to others?
2. Inward Personality Experience
How do you think of this Role?
3. Essence History - Unconscious.
These are the aspects that you bring in from past lives and are now a Sub-Personality.
4. Inhibitions or Impediments.
How does this Role energy act as an inhibitor or sabotage for yourself  or others

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