The Michael Motivation Cards™

Health & Healing (6)

The spiritual and emotional underpinnings of illness, disease or health conditions.The primary use of the Health and Healing Spread is to locate and understand the underlying metaphysical influence of a health condition you are inquiring about. The feedback from these cards is not medical in nature and can in no way physically describe an ailment, injury or condition. But, if you perceive, as I do, that their are other spiritual factors associated with your experience of "dis-ease" then it may be very informative to allow the Cards to offer inferences as to the underlying purposes of your malady. 

Anatomy of a brain revealing a mood and face.Health has both a physiological and emotional component as well as physical. The Mind/Body connection rarely "disconnects" as to have one not affect the other. In this Spread, you are being offered a number of elements for you to consider about some of the underlying conditions which may be directing you. (See the positions listed below.)
When you decide to use this layout, you are probing for hidden dimensions that may be at play subconsciously, or part of a more profound Karmic (Card 65) or Self-Karmic (Card 66) pattern. Yet, it could be that you are experimenting with some manifestation for the purpose of learning something: Maya (Card 69). Please remember, that these metaphysical insights do no imply any specific medical treatment, therapy, medications or exercise. The Body has its own defenses, schemas and time scales for healing.

  • Card 1 - Condition: This card offers the first general diagnosis of the situation you are inquiring about.
  • Card 2 - Symptoms: Names the manifestations you are experiencing that appear with the condition.
  • Card 3 - Cause: The root of the malady or dis-ease. If not clear, draw additional card(s) for clarification.
  • Card 4 - Treatment: What changes do you need to make in order to affect healing?
  • Card 5 - What Really needs Healing?: Chances are there is a relationship involved. Whether it be one with another person or an aspect of your own life?
  • Card 6 - Prognosis: This Card suggests the likelihood of you healing your condition. Following the directives of Card 4 and Card 5 will give you a potent transfusion of resolution and increase your feelings of wellness.

Get a Michael reading with this layout:

1. Condition
The diagnosis.
2. Symptoms
What is evident.
3. Cause
The energy that hinders you or interferes with energy.
4. Treatment
What is called for.
5. What Really needs Healing?
Hidden malady.
6. Prognosis
What happens next.


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