Oct 022023

Part 1:
Highlights of 2023 4th Quarter Updates  (See More Below):

  • Confront the hold of secrets and the glue of shame that holds them.
  • 3rd Chapter for most Old Baby Boomers – Love Oriented time for you.
  • Minimize convenience and return to manual processes when possible.
  • Valuing Time is vital to maximize brain health and noticing life.
  • AI and computers are speeding up the brain and causing anxiety
  • Find trusted friends to share truth with and encourage bravery.
  • Download the PDF Slides to follow along with the Channeled portion.
Part 2: Q & A
Part 3 – Autumnal Visualization – Taking harvest of important awareness.

Reorienting toward 2024 and Beyond:

Emotional Center and Assimilative Axis
 Stephen Cocconi Channeling Michael’s Consortium

“Emerging from an Assimilative Energy Scholar year, Autumn will open all older souls to the opportunity to reorientation of perspective and values. But some will simply allow flows of time to continue to allow their drift down familiar, but not necessarily navigable patterns, and outlooks on reality. 2023 has been the year where research for the purpose of redefinition and course correction was formatted prior to the next period of global course correction and in some cases, chaos and creation. As 2024 approaches, understanding the differing agendas of Essence, Personality and Ego will be crucial for making decisions that minimize the fear-stirrings of cognitive dissonance.

Sage Cast Scholar all year long. The upshot of this has to do with words: their meanings (or misunderstanding of them). These are the mental markers for laying out your consciousness and an essential part of reorienting your individual and group paradigms for the future. Compare your language meanings, find out the discrepancies if you want a clear and thorough connection with another. This is the Scholar need for definition and the Sage’s need for accurate communication.

“You are all in process. No fixed pattern for yourself has been finalized.” Consortium

Remember that all of the information tonight is in context to more than just the Overleaves of 2023 and how they are affecting you, but also, the larger issues of the period of Chaotic Alteration (or Chaos Nodes) as Susanna Redelfs calls them.

The Scholar Self has researched and determined that to enter Chapter 3 – Control-Alt-Delete of attachments to appearances, to social identities, to historic wound memories and to move on. A “reboot” is required! You can engage this willingly or have it thrust upon you.

Addressing Baby Boomers and the “3rd (and final) Chapter” of your lives.

  • First Chapter: Truth Orientation – Development of identity. What is true about me. What are the facts/beliefs that I live by? (Expression Axis)
  • Second Chapter: Energy Orientation – How do I apply my energy in the world for sustaining myself and acquisition of resources. Focus on achieving, getting, establishing a place. (Action Axis)
  • Third Chapter: Love Orientation – What do I hold as precious, valued, inspired by? Or wallow in what do I regret, miss, mourn, or am hating/blaming what happened to me? (Inspiration Axis)

Intellectual Center – Emotional Part – You have all had the chance to witness the deflection of emotions by making any number of rationalizations or reasons about why you have them or why you shouldn’t. One of hardest for people to understand is how “being positive” can be one of those deflection or avoidance strategies. Positivity is a strategy to avoid feeling hopelessness. Mature adulthood requires confronting that emotion and taking action in the face of it, not pretending is away. The addiction to positivity is a form of Stubbornness that particularly Idealists, Spiritualists, and Pragmatists succumb to in order to maintain a feeling of control in the face of uncertainties.

Cynic – You are challenged to face bitterness in your life. It has confronted many of you in the form of people, things, and ways of being. Rigorous Cynicism helps to determine what is absolutely necessary, real, and not easily disregarded.

Stubbornness – Change is difficult for many right now, but not all. What is often frightening is when people face the unknown and are uncertain not only of “what might happen to me” but “will I be able to handle it.” Cynicism is deeply affected as is the Goal of Flow making it very easy to collapse into depressed stillness or feel anxiety from uncertainty.

Feminine Energy has been teaming with the Goal of Flow to assist people to confront circumstances with adaptability and make necessary sacrifices. Yet, it has been an energy that has made fixed-path processes really hard to manage. Structure (Masculine Energy – Not Male Energy)

Masculine Energy is chafing against the negative pole of rigid Baby Soul Patriarchy. Males are facing a choice about how they do/don’t accept themselves and then project that onto the world. Positive pole Masculine energy (in males or females) requires confronting “what is” while still striving for “what it might be.”

Young Soul Cult of Youth and Beauty is up against aging. Plastic surgery, botox treatments, artificial implants (cybernetics), organ replacements and limbs extend life but also interfere with the Animal natural life-cycle.

Mature Soul Cult of Inner Child is up against growing-up and moving forward in the face of old traumas and making new decisions about them.

The Techno Realm positives have been: quantification and measurement like:  arithmetic, statistics, fractions, accounting and logic, all of which are forms of calculation and the ability to weigh and measure possibilities. On the downside, they have hacked your brains, accelerated processes having humans burn-out trying to operate at machine speed.

Mutuality and the Mature Soul Paradigm (MSP)

While many people think the MSP will be some sort of transcendent cake-walk, you must remember that all of you have been raised in the YSP of individualism and unrestricted consumerism. That has given you a form of unrestricted indulgence many of you consider freedom. But much of that has been the exemption of responsibility for the care of others.

In that time, you Americans have allowed much of government to be coopted by “big money” which is wielded by “big business” i.e. large corporate interests. Many of those have been led by YSP captains of industry who have moved from millionaires to billionaires. At that level, you have made them demigods and money the grace of a new religion of greed: (individual gain at the expense of others.)

Resource contraction from acquisition is part of the Mature Soul era. The exploitation of Earth has reached its maximum capacity and the only way for thousands of species to survive (including yours) is the drastic reduction in consumption. However, many people have so over-consumed the greatest difficulty will be going through the addiction-withdrawals. Mature Server Jimmy Carter warned everyone of this way back in 1979. This is the reality that must be confronted and mindset that must be dispelled if the planet is to remain sustainable.

Work-Jobs-Income-Money and Shared resources

Unionism and Collectivism are rising up in world consciousness. As even Baby and Young Souls realize that Capitalism and automation leave more of them behind than help them get ahead.

Also, the need for socialization in personal ways is greater than ever for many people facing loneliness. But so too are the barriers of fear and resentments that keeps one’s ego from taking the risk.

One of the mandates we gave you for this year was to do reading and research. The objective as to give the Scholar’s intellect something to mull over and change their mind about. One of the major areas all must come to terms with is what democracy is vs. what Capitalism is. Democracy crumbles as more power goes to lobbyists hired by the 1% and who hide behind and draw power from their Corporate entities.

Systems like these are under growing stress as the owners of capital demand more profit through automation or keeping wages or full-time employment low. You saw this in the tech sector where high end jobs were terminated as companies squeezed large profits and turned over much production to AI related activities.” Consortium, September 29th, 2023

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