Sep 012019
Due to extended recovery from knee surgery; September’s 2nd Friday with Michael’s Consortium is cancelled. Look for resumption of monthly Conversations with the Consortium on October 11th at the Healing Roots Center in Sacramento. Stay tuned for information of how to join the sessions live over conference call.

Recall from the Overview of 2019 posted in January , that this Artisan accented year is one of the most pivotal in recent decades. Of the several reasons cited, many of the Baby Boomer Class and Millennial generations have come to turning points that neither of them expected. The Boomer, but particularly those of Older Soul ages, the ones who supported Civil Rights, Women’s Liberation, and were inspired by President Kennedy’s goal of a man on the moon, they enrolled in a Peace Corps and also rebelled against Viet Nam. It culminated in the Rock n’ Roll generation of the Summer of Love and Woodstock. For many it all collapsed under the weight of traditional imprinting and doubled down on the planet crushing and social conforming tenants of the late levels of the Young Soul mindset. Many now feel dislocated in time and purpose. Yet, those who knew it, found it, or are busy making one anew, are thriving or feeling the thrust of determination.

Millennial feeling hopeless

The Millennial’s who, and for that matter every young person above the age of 10,  have become the convenient scapegoats of their self-righteous parents. That generation and those younger will have to rally and face the malaise, confusion and self-indulgence they were bathed in by those same Boomer role models in deciding modern culture. But also, they must confront the conditions set in place by the Boomers’ economic and environmental policies which hamstring them and make their future look bleak.

For both social generations, who possess substantial numbers of late Mature and Old Soul aged persons, their worlds look very different from the one they had originally designed their Life Tasks. These were primarily due to major parallel reality regressions particularly in 1980, 2000 and 2016. Thus, 2019’s Overleaves array has enunciated a major realignment of many individual’s purposes for being alive. Initiating the process of review, some found it to be a year of surprises, others still relocation’s, instant changes of plans, sometimes abrupt disorientation’s, and unexpected deaths (spouses, pets, friends, even children,) but all causing detachments from known personal identities and reliable anchor relationships. Not all of the list of events were necessarily tragic or psychologically displeasing, but they were unhinging of some familiar ideas about what that person considered certain or stable-data about themselves or their lives.

During a majority of August, the Goal of Relaxation and the primary Chief Feature (CF) of Stubbornness were at odds with one another during this process. The Goal, mostly in the negative pole of inertia, initiated a sort of stasis where persons entered into deep review and mourning for aspects of their identities. Confronting natural advancement of physical aging and the process of Internal Monads (IM), have forced them into facing the passage of youth, or bygone hopes. A loss of vitality, physical prowess and beauty, coupled with the realization that was once familiar and dependable is now something that should be cherished, because it is no longer in ready supply.  What one ‘counted on’ as a stable self-image does not transition easily in the immersed in Stubborn avoidance. Denial of one’s own state simply forestalls the grief one feels when in the natural transition from one phase of life to the next. Yet, grieving loss has to happen before moving forward. The Mode of Perseverance felt as endurance or monotony as they had to ‘wait-out’ what was felt as a glacial passing of mood. If one was able to embrace their graduations of life with appreciation, marking their passage into the next phase acknowledging all they had achieved, even if just survived, then gratitude will have elevated them into to positive poles of those Overleaves mentioned above. Thus, August, though perhaps a feeling undirected or stagnant, at the base of those experiences were meant for contemplative and imaginative thinking time of new future possibilities. The amplifications of these patterns came to a pinnacle with a Nexus shift from August 15-20, where major two Parallel Realities one a convergent (adding new) and one and erasure, (eliminating possibilities), happened and left some feeling relieved, while others with a sense of Jamais vu (opposite of Déjà vu); like something commonplace has a vaguely alien or unfamiliar feeling with it. These effects are usually associated with negative pole Spiritualist qualities of dislocation or dissociation.

With the transition to September, the final third of 2019 will usher in a perception that life is accelerating. More events in compressed into fewer minutes distort time and reflect the high Frequency of 66! It is the Attitude of Realist and Moving Center will narrow and rev up your focus. Many will notice that ideas, attachments or dreams and aspirations once held in fallback “someday” status, are being reviewed with a consideration of “so where am I at now?” And, “what is possible with what I have?” The Artisan/Sage energies, if applied affirmatively, can help you both invent a more realistic and streamlined future, but also refine your minds narrative to be more present with “what can be done now for growth into tomorrow?” This is vastly more important to your long-term well-being than continuing to fantasize about the past “could have been’s” or one’s lost capacities. Growing comfortable with one’s newer perception of Self, and the opportunities it may reveal, is likely to free you from internal turmoil’s laid to rest, and bring your attention into present time. A very useful place since many humans are stuck relying upon past beliefs, traditions, and institutions, that are not only failing to function, but indeed have been reinforced and adopted as a means of psychological safety in the face of disruptive global upheavals. This shift is particularly important as a launching place for Millennial’s who have been trying to seize more control of their lives, particularly in the arena of social power – in politics, environmentalism and entrepreneurial-ism. For Baby Boomers, the choice is whether you continue to see yourselves as victims of your parents and blame your children for “not shaping up.” Thus take responsibility for the fact that last 40 years it has been your generation that shaped/influenced/enabled/imprinted the Millennial’s. Either, get behind them with support and help them advance a future or remain in opposition or in condescension and condemn them to the consequences of your greed. Remember, compassionate fair play requires that you give them the same understanding that you demanded from your parent’s generation. You took it! They are still merely asking for it. That condition can change to something more hostile, quickly!

For the remainder of this year, emphasizing the Mode of Perseverance and confronting the secondary CF of Self-Destruction, one way to interpret the introduction of new or refined action in your life is to remember to what Yoda said “Try not, do or do not, there is no try.” Like the wise old Jedi master often intimated to Luke Skywalker, it is doing that originates from being (“use the Force”) and from those actions, you become clearer of who you are. No matter what you want as a new direction or outcome in your life, the Artisan and Flow energies put no restriction on what you can do to initiate whatever new things or ways of being. Only a realistic assessment of your options should influence and wisely inform you. Change tracks if you need to. It is OK to experiment with Change track! When important junctions present themselves, you can always change track.any number of different approaches to achieve a goal or solve a problem. Simply persist and if one way toward whatever you have set your sites upon: e.g. losing weight or gaining health (Moving Center), try any and all methods to see which ones work for you! Yet, don’t give up because you fail to go to a gym! If walking, dancing, chopping wood, bowling, dieting, sex, biking, quitting smoking, or whatever means you can try to move toward better health…DO THEM! Change it up, but don’t stop! And, learn to pay attention to a balance between persistence and capacity. Work until you get fatigued, and extend your limits each time. But don’t stop too soon, either. Just be sure to complete before you have overexerted. All-or-nothing action is only warranted in actual emergencies, not every waking moment.

Implied in these suggestions is our overarching advice to reduce input and maximize your output. Give more than you take, yet cherish every moment. You inspire others to do the same. They too give back to you.  No one feels depleted. The equation results in abundance. All of that has to do with how you manage your energy: spiritual, physical, monetary, material, and emotional. Many of you spend, and indeed waste, energy on material items or frivolous activities that have lost any significant meaning for you. And for no other reasons than it is habit or because others recognize you by it. Your associations will change. Some of the disorientation occurs as  relationships and sense of Self form anew. Unburden yourself from the many obligations that excessive “ownership” produces. Shedding un-needed or outdated people, things, and identities will refund to you a freedom which, if you are paying attention, will equate with less stress, a simpler life style, a reduction of debt, and a refreshed attitude toward life as something more aesthetic rather than indulgence in acquisition or consumption.

As always, you are at liberty to exercise whatever your choices are within your means. But many of you will have used this year’s combined influences to have taken stock and seen that your inventory of items, beliefs, and so-called ‘lifestyle’ were doing more to kill your spirit than actually assist you in feeling alive.

Like always, individual human learning and adaptations have a delay before they enter into collective trends. On the world stage, the remainder of 2019 and 2020 will manifest those ongoing cumulative effects in the public forum.  Social and economic volatility are about to get more pronounced with the approach of Brexit, the American elections next year, and the continued concentration of power in ever more parasitic groups. Those powers have accumulated wealth from environmental deregulation, gained greater police (and security) forces to destabilize governments, perturb social stability, and dangerously distort economic and environmental systems tipping them into regions with disastrous consequences. Inequalities between the have and have-nots are at a stark extreme!

It is recommended that you review your dependency upon many of the financial institutions you Scrutinize what is happening very closely.may count on for income stability. They should be looked with greater scrutiny and even dubiously. The more you can consolidate both your finances and material possessions, the more adaptive and thus secure you are likely to be during this period. Opportunities in many interesting life domains are available to you if you shed your dependencies. But they are not all monetary, financial or business related, though that is the primary measuring stick most modern persons have been imprinted to believe. More opportunities are philosophically and emotionally based in who you associate with and how you choose to relate. These are more intrinsic and can be deeply potent with each opening a chance to redefine and reignite a sense of purpose and contribution toward life. The alternative, a great many will resign to, is merely to accept a retirement of voyeurism – from thinking themselves obsolete or their contribution pointless. But the only way to appreciate life rather than to succumb to it, is to let go of your unneeded baggage of the past; all that once mattered to shape a public persona (Ego) and from it you adopted a self-image, instead of cultivating a Self. Try letting spontaneity reveal an emergent Self. Show your deeper character as you encounter or risk new experiences. All you need is allow the basic essentials of who you are, instead of defaulting to what you own or what status you adjusted to.Let Self observe Ego.

Monthly Michael Nights in Sacramento will resume on Friday, October 11th at the Healing Roots Center.

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