The Michael Motivation Cards

5 Sage

What this card means… The Sage Self calls you to teach by telling your story. Sometimes a wise cracker or a laugh might reveal some potential wisdom.

6 Priest

What this card means… The Priest Self, climbs upon a pulpit for their power. They seek to find and relay the best way to achieve the righteous path. You are looking to be on the right side of the issue…as you define it.

7 King

What this card means… The energy of sovereign rights and personal power. The King/Queen is that Role that defines and holds a domain.

9 Acceptance

What this card means… Who and what you include is a function of acceptance. Allow things to be as they are; not by your requirements yet your preferences should be considered.

11 Dominance

What this card means… Are you ready to climb the ladder of success? Move ahead of others with style and competency. This signifies a time where allies are gained or lost.

13 Growth

What this card means… A surge of omni-directional energy is the hallmark of this card. Push or you will be pushed!

16 Idealist

What this card means… Are the principles which you assert are good and right really thought out? Are they helpful? Idealism can hold both sound and delusional ideas as equally important.

18 Realist

What this card means… Time to strip away hopes, speculations, and prejudices. What really is? Work with what’s in front of you or is possible to achieve. Now.

20 Spiritualist

What this card means… Let spirit move you! Your Spirit is that indefinable presence of energy, power, and sense of urgency.