On the Eve of the 2020 Presidential Election

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Nov 012020

The Direction of Movement Into the Mature Soul Era
 the Selection of Its Figurehead

A Commentary by Stephen J Cocconi – Humane Being


“A moral compass can be magnetized two ways: toward what you aspire to be, or away from it and who you believe you ought to be to feel safe. You might say that orienting true north takes constant recalibration. Whereas going south is what happens when you run away from that responsibility. Either way your compass points – you face the consequences.” Michael’s Consortium

Any President of the United States, or leader of any country or enterprise for that matter, is a representation of a nation’s collective zeitgeist (World View or Soul Age awareness) at a moment in history. Continue reading »

Jan 022020

A Year of Forward Movement with Commitment,
Convolutions and Confrontations

By Stephen Cocconi

Excerpt form the 2020 Overleaves Presentation (16 mins)


2020 is a combined Truth and Love Year. Meaning, you must find what you truly love and called to will defend it! Yet if you bear allegiance to what is false, limited, or selfish, your experience of this year will be contracted, lonely, and laced with hostility or resentment toward others. Love people first…even if you despise what they stand for. Love does not mean ‘like’ or approve. Embrace humanity and your true principles will emerge from you. Remember, Essences, like the TAO, evolves no matter which path you take. But for humanity and the planet Earth, i.e. the playground for Personality’s, is within your responsibility and decision to nurture or pollute. There is NO neutral consequence to inaction. Anything you do is still a choice and will have an effect in one direction or another.

2020 Overleaves

Role: Warrior:

+ Persuasion and Influence
– Coercion and Intimidation

Infused with “Can-do” “I can challenge” “make it happen”, perhaps even muster courage to lead a charge or stand up against an attack. The motto might be: “I gather my people and principles together and protect them from harm.”

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Michael’s Consortium August – September 2019 Soul-Ciology Report

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Sep 012019
Due to extended recovery from knee surgery; September’s 2nd Friday with Michael’s Consortium is cancelled. Look for resumption of monthly Conversations with the Consortium on October 11th at the Healing Roots Center in Sacramento. Stay tuned for information of how to join the sessions live over conference call.

Recall from the Overview of 2019 posted in January , that this Artisan accented year is one of the most pivotal in recent decades. Of the several reasons cited, many of the Baby Boomer Class and Millennial generations have come to turning points that neither of them expected. The Boomer, but particularly those of Older Soul ages, the ones who supported Civil Rights, Women’s Liberation, and were inspired by President Kennedy’s goal of a man on the moon, they enrolled in a Peace Corps and also rebelled against Viet Nam. It culminated in the Rock n’ Roll generation of the Summer of Love and Woodstock. For many it all collapsed under the weight of traditional imprinting and doubled down on the planet crushing and social conforming tenants of the late levels of the Young Soul mindset. Many now feel dislocated in time and purpose. Yet, those who knew it, found it, or are busy making one anew, are thriving or feeling the thrust of determination.

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Spiritualist Attitude and the God Particle

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Jul 122012

The Discovery of the God Particle

The conversation between God and Man. Or The Universe and our Awareness of it.

The conversation between God and Man. Or The Universe and our Awareness of it.

Welcome to public awareness Mr./Ms. Higgs-Boson Particle. I say public because in the erudite realm of physics the concept has been known for 50 years. A mathematician by the name of Peter Higgs had a vision postulating (prophesying) the existence of this infinitesimally minute particle. And, that it could be the common foundation we’ve been looking for which explains: “life, the universe and everything!”

Only instead of chariots and trumpets formatting his revelation, his was visited in the form of symbols and equations. God, after all, has never stopped communicating with us. As we understood more of the complexities of ITS vast array of languages, then it could get down to the nitty-gritty. No more burning bushes, now it is onto sub-atom particles. Cool, eh?  Continue reading »

Grateful to be a Liberal American!

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Jul 042012

More than any other tangible freedom, I value the right to be “secure in my person.” But this phrase from the Bill of Rights’ 4th Amendment, for me, extends further than protection from government. It harkens back to the 1st Amendment guaranteeing my freedom of expression. And by expression, I mean the right to speak my mind and disagree without someone else, who might interpret disagreement as their right to “take offense” and then act upon me in a reactive, punitive, or even violent manner. As a Liberal, I use my ability to think as a way of liberating myself from the fear which comes from ignorance. Not enshrining it as some sacrosanct order to be conformed to and enforced upon others.


So what’s the link for me as I celebrate our Independence Day? It is not government tyranny I most worry about, though on the horizon I see extremism undermining the halls of our democratic republic, instead it is my celebration of the rights of thinking people of conscience to advance our society through the dialogues of constructive disagreement.

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Half Year Update…Sacramento June 15th

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Jun 042012

An Evening with Michael:

Friday Night,  June 15th  – 7 – 9 pm.
$20 (limited seating best to RSVP if possible
Healing Roots Center in Sacramento (Click to Google Maps)
2701 Cottage Way, Suite 35, Sacramento, CA 95825
The Nexus of late April has reset more than a few of the karmic balances causing more than a few anxieties and some profound course changes. During May, and arising for the next few months, many will sense these. Know that the “juice” is everywhere and try not to pin it onto one source event or person. There are also some instabilities in the both the physical Earth, some quakes to be exact (already had 2 moderate ones); and the wildcard of global financial shake-up, that broadcast a disruptive and unsettling energy around the globe and through the whole of humanity. In other words, it ain’t just you and it may not even be about you!

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Live Comedy – The Stevie Zone: Coming to my web site this week!

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May 142012

Live Comedy – The Stevie Zone: Coming to my web site this week!

OK, OK! When it comes to getting techie tasks done, my pace becomes a slow chew like a snail, rather than the mega-bites gorging across the net. Hardly, in alignment with the kind of lightning turnaround everyone demands, or at least expects, in this day and age. But, this medium, (if you’ll pardon the pun) is supposed to be of service to us, not me to it!

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2012 Update – Michael on Passion and Growth

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Apr 162012
[Michael Assessment]
“Growth does not always attend acquisition or expansion. Sometimes, the betters angels of one’s nature arise, and as a result induce strength and improve integrity, when hardship or adversity seem to be the dominant theme. Summing up the year to date, many have found a rather slow coming to terms with that one can still have trust in. The King demands for itself a reliable source of trust before it ventures into something new.

Prayer: Attention to Intention

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Mar 192012

Some recent channeling I received explained more about the nature of prayer, its function, what it does for us, and how with repetition, it can move your mind and emotions into an attitude where action becomes more immediate and more effective.

About Prayer: Or call it focused intention.

Prayer is talking to myself! Oh yes, I might believe that I am being listened too by whatever one calls God, no matter if you refer to it as: Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Spirit, Universe, TAO, or Source. But if I speak my invocation aloud; my intended target might be God, but it is my own hearing which is the first receiver! Continue reading »