Nov 012020

The Direction of Movement Into the Mature Soul Era
 the Selection of Its Figurehead

A Commentary by Stephen J Cocconi – Humane Being


“A moral compass can be magnetized two ways: toward what you aspire to be, or away from it and who you believe you ought to be to feel safe. You might say that orienting true north takes constant recalibration. Whereas going south is what happens when you run away from that responsibility. Either way your compass points – you face the consequences.” Michael’s Consortium

Any President of the United States, or leader of any country or enterprise for that matter, is a representation of a nation’s collective zeitgeist (World View or Soul Age awareness) at a moment in history.

The current one is a figurehead for the negative poles of the Young Soul need to dominate and a reactionary backlash by the Baby Soul contingent of the human race still holding out for a “strong man” savior to rescue them. They believe, that such a authority figure relieves them of the fears that having real freedom to choose, and accepting consequences, engenders. Their fear of freedom stems from the worry about painful consequences and the destabilizing self-reckoning that attends the conclusion “what if I chose wrong?”

Most human Egos still affixed in these Child and Adolescent mentalities of self blame, desire any way to be assured that they are freed from responsibility of their actions. It is an existential avoidance pattern. The same underlying pattern found in seeking religious salvation. Consuming, going along with the crowd, taking any indulgence whenever one can “get away with” is a far more tantalizing proposition to the hedonistic and hierarchical Ego than actually examining ones contribution to the consequences they experience.

Donald Trump, a 4th Young King, is the culmination of all these impulses: to deny failure and blame, desire control, need to silence critical thinking, and hyper self-indulgence at the expense of anyone but himself. It is not an individual that will win or lose on Election Day, but a tone of one collective mind-set against another. It is a measure of how accountable the human race is to its collective choices and how it wishes, or abdicates, the direction of its own maturity.

In the US there are roughly 100 million souls who fall on the spectrum aligned with those described about the President. It is they, not he, and the other billion persons worldwide – including the mass power brokers heading totalitarian countries and profit first corporate enterprises – whose “me first” attitudes have devolved to where the installation of someone like Mr. Trump was inevitable. But for them, a ruthless, reality TV star and egomaniac fit the profile better than they could have hoped.

It was not a logical choice, but an emogical one. Where that segment of humanity whose combined feelings of fear of loss, hatred of those who they blame for it, shame of failure, and a hungering want, built on a greed that is insatiable as any addiction; demands notice as it screams, threatens, and declares its superior righteousness overcompensating for the inferiority it tries to hide, even from itself. In proclaiming martyrdom by whatever group they identify, these bitter agonists collude against alleged conspirators, and then victim is transformed into perpetrator. Such is the cycle of alienation from one another and from individual and society.

Tired of People being Ugly to Each Other

These combined emotional sentiments are in every human to some degree and for some period of time. But for these last 4 years, emotion and the brute force of the manipulator class, with the persuasive entrapment of misinformation, have been successful for providing objects of blame as a balm to the wounded and weakened Egos for whom traditions like “good Christian” “patriotic American” and “Protestant work ethic” have failed them. But these ideals weren’t what failed, the way they were distorted and then propagandized, did! And for the unidimensional believer, one denied the education to think critically, or one whose fear of the unknown has caused them to retreat to simplistic ideas – often magically demented – they swallow any authority who shouts the same epithets they do. He/she is embraced as a messiah. Messages in media, books, magazines and web sites are hailed as new gospel. Yet these messages and their messengers are not angels, indeed they are often verifiably the worst of human beings. Yet fearful simpletons embrace these devils to assuage their own inner demons. These leaders, claim that God is pain and vengeance, thus pronouncing polemic benediction to inflict oppressive harm upon anyone else you deem to blame for your woes, while implying some divine clemency will follow your self-righteousness! Liberals, non-whites, women, non-Christian, and the economically disadvantaged are the problem. ‘They made you feel unsafe! Poor you, now take your revenge! And, let me tell you how to erect the wall or kill the bastards to get them.’

What has just been described is the miasma underlying the disease of polarization. To be maintained, polarization does not require one person to be all one extreme, all-or-nothing in belief, but each person to carry some unhealed aspect of it within their psyche. Such is the state of the human race now. Vilification of the “other” is the strategic method distorting seeing oneself clearly when participating in the antipathy. An objectified “they” blaming “them” along with a victimized self-pitying “us” maintains the divide with a tactic of perpetual rejection that never allows the two “sides” to acknowledge themselves as one whole; like the Moon one side faces the sun and another in shadow. That orb does not rotate on its axis, so sides are fixated. But human opinion can move, see the light or retreat into the darkness of fear and despair. Celestial bodies have no choice, but celestial beings do! So when will you implement those new choices and new directions? Now or later?

The choice facing people on election day is whether the effects of further darkness like resource depletion, fomented hatreds, and oppression through weaponry are stemmed by continuing the current figurehead or choosing figurehead representing another direction. Joe Biden is not an Angel, he is a man! A man part of a system that has some corruptions like those mentioned above, but also supported by the best governmental system ever devised! It and he are not perfect, but what he represents is the beginning of the braking from the acceleration toward self-destruction that has been happening in the 21st century, and at breakneck speed in the last four years. Or perhaps a more historically apt statement would be, where your fear leads to hatred and into madness, then just MAD – Mutually Assured Destruction. That is the wall we are racing towards.

The human race will inevitably be forced and face its issues. But will that segment of humanity continue to believe the delusions of miasma like: money is power, white is right, male is better, and God grants me permission to hate? It will take more than one election to address all the effects of these polluted sluices, each filled with the flotsam and jetsom of terrors and torments the human race has accrued by its’ own collective actions. Or will it choose new streams of consciousness with more compassionate ideas and practices, and thus begin the cleansing of emotional sewage that has led to toxic environmental, social and political effluence? Will it begin now? Or will it be delayed… again?

All are accountable! Some are more responsible than others. But everyone is being notified that no one escapes the accumulated consequences being denied or ignored by human systems. Time only moves forward. However, your thinking can retreat backwards. Progress only happens when the damage of the past, and still happening into the present, is ceased. Only when the recognition of the problem occurs, and then is ceased, can clean-up begin. It will take a significant change to both human consciousness and restoration of the biosphere of Earth. The latter makes the former possible. Yet each of you can begin to heal your own wounds, refuse to wait for the whole to change and direct yourself toward the world you want and be the human you desire others to emulate. No election outcome will stop you. Only your complacency stops you.

Life and participation

Will the healing begin this election? One thing is certain…the sooner the better! The Earth’s ability to sustain human life is finite and you are running out of time to repair your environment. Most of you voting today are doing so for the benefit, or condemnation, of future generations. Ignorance and ideology are no longer excuses for denying facts or waving “principles” like banners of allegiance. The only flag you should be waving is the white one…of surrender! Lay down your arms and roll up your sleeves. Maybe your hearts should be on them? If you think voting is “just about my self-interest” then the human race is doomed by its own actions, or inactions. It is time to get Mature about your problems. The only reality now is “we are all in this together.” Like it or not. You CAN move ahead now. Make it so!

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