Sep 232020

As a Support for the continuing Covid Quarantine and Election of 2020,

I’m sharing the Consortium’s recording of The Great Suspension of 2020.

Click on the links below and download the  MP3’s

Or, Read the transcript below them. 🙂

Part 1 – What is The Great Suspension? The Mature Soul Paradigm Ignited.
Part 2 – Audience Q&A – Covid, Climate Change, New Economics, Love

The Great Suspension of 2020

Notes Transcribed by Janaia Donaldson (

Here are my notes from Stephen Cocconi’s channeling of 9/14/20. They were typed as Stephen channeled, and have been edited only for some clarity. Empty square brackets [   ] mean there’s something I missed. Filled [square brackets] are additions for clarity or readability. In the Q&A, I used first names only and italicized the questions. Michael suggested we all connect with one another afterwards. I welcome that and offer this as a starting point. Blessings to us all ~~Janaia

Stephen Cocconi channeling of the Michael Consortium 9/14/20

{MC} Undoubtedly you were drawn [to attend this channeling] by the title: The Great Suspension of 2020.

Review of the 2020 Overleaves

The great suspension started at the end of January before the quarantining/lockdown. It is similar in tone to our goal of Flow. But understand that it is bigger than flow. We use suspension like a chemist might suspension of particles in a fluid or wind. Whatever is in suspension is carried aloft until it settles down.

That’s happening in the world now, in the biggest scale we’ve ever seen both as separate entities and the Consortium. [The mature/young soul age is tipping over]. This suspension has brought all of humanity and its energies and shaken them loose out of habit — steady state — and put them into motion.

During this time other overleaves have had an effect. We’ve said the entirety of 2020 has been a warrior year. Hallmarks: people looking for respect, camaraderie, a way to defend themselves; reaching for a sense of personal competency in the face of uncertainty. Garnering your courage. In the last trimester — sounds like the birth concept, and in a way this is what this year is about, a new paradigm for humanity — the rest of the overleaves are:

* Goal of submission came about a month ago. +  Devotion  – Subservience

* Attitude of spiritualist, + verification   -credulity or beliefs. Credulity = willingness of people to buy into belief and take it at face value, not questioning it. Verification = [more]

* Centering for this part of the year = Intellectual center. We are going to try to articulate every aspect of this conversation. Mature soul era, you are being asked to step into the greater knowledge of humanity, the scholarly nature. It is the mind that the human animal has above all other species. It is your mind that is the latter that allows you to expand and reach beyond sentience into sapience. Sentience is [having consciousness?] sapience is knowing there is something beyond the mind.

Almost all of you are old souls. You are students of this teaching by virtue of the fact that self-awareness and a larger construct about human nature is of interest to you. We are speaking to your higher mind, higher intellectual center.

* Mode of aggression has turned from posturing into pummeling. A great deal of anger, violence, attack. Positive pole of dynamism: many people jumping out of the familiar and trying new things. We encourage you to look at the energy of aggression and not fear it. And its negative pole of confrontation & conflict. There is conflict because of disagreement. You see it everywhere, most especially in American politics, illustrated by election of 2020. Trump in negative pole of aggression. Biden is an early mature sage and working toward [   ]

*King casting of the year: When we talk about our system of a role having a casting, it is a secondary flavor. You as the protective warrior of who you are, [having a] sense of boundaries, are looking for a higher level of purpose. King soul is about sovereignty; that your decisions are your responsibility and what you’re accountable for. We didn’t say this would be easy. All of humanity is being confronted with that at this time.

Two hurdles thrown in the way of human beings:

* Ego defenses or chief features: Impatience and Martyrdom. The one that will take center stage is martyrdom. The way it is playing out most is the negative pole of victimization. Victim has been abused and thus has a right to aggression against others. You see that in an entire slice of humanity that is having difficulty confronting the loosening of the changes happening during the Great Suspension.

We’ve given that term [Great Suspension] to put it into context for you. Timeline: in October we will see more of a shifting away from rapid or great number of parallel realities that have trickled into this reality as the Tao shifts around all the possibilities of which way it is helping humanity. Those will start to slow.

Fall equinox, September 20-21st will be a large scale shift. [I wonder if this is the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Following record-breaking wildfires in the west, and more virulent hurricanes in the south and southeast U.S. J]. Convergent shift that will bring a great number of new pieces of info that will influence election cycle but will also raise the collective IQ of the human race. [Past few years] many have spun off into parallel realities while the “dumber” parts of themselves have stayed with the herd to be dumbing down.

There will be a lot of reckoning and discussions. You will be heartened that people that you thought were behind the curve of your preferences may start probing with deeper questions, not just about the election, but most significantly about what humanity is going to do since climate change is here and now a public fact in observance.

That is a far bigger piece of your movement into mature soul paradigm: dealing with the climate crisis. The reality it is necessary to bring is the belief system that has gone with young soul era — unlimited abundance, opportunity, possibility that all can be hunky-dory — will be seen as an illusion to justify exploitation. When that happens, that will usher in for young souls what you older souls have already experienced: the grief for an era that is passing.

Some are saying “won’t it be nice when everything gets back to normal.” The idea of normal is illusory. The standardized notion of economic expansion based on the consumer model that can happen indefinitely, is crashing down on people particularly as they can’t go to their jobs.

Need to separate out employment from human dignity [   ]. Also exchange, payment for performing some kind of duty or action. Where many are falling apart inside, with the inability to go to do their work, there is not only financial constriction but loss of identity. Many have imploded into that. Astronomical rise in collective addictive sub-personalities. Stages of denial. As that shock is now 6-8 months old, some of you are already starting to disconnect.

Those in retirement age had a head start on this. Now being out of that system, you are finding the next state: boredom; the next state: anxiety. Some of you have graduated and are saying to yourself, since I’m home, anything I can do in my space.

Those up the steps, we congratulate you. The more you can increase this re-creation of yourself and graduate out of boredom, the time you grieve will subside. We don’t want to talk you out of it for those still in it. Give yourself compassion. An entire set of decades of social conditioning has come to an abrupt halt. Anchors of identity and interaction are gone. No, they will not come back in the same ways.

In 2021 the Great Suspension will transfer over into a new era we’ll call the New Re-creation. Not recreation, like escape or play. We are talking about re-creating yourself. If you do it with a sense of excitement and willingness to face the unknown, you might find levels of joy [   ]. Harkening back to the good old days will keep you in a cycle of grieving and mourning.

We define grief as the necessary change of an assimilative period between any stage and the next stage. It is necessary. It allows release of what habit had embedded in you: exceptions and [   ] for you to see. Some of you may be surprised, shocked, some glad it’s done. The old souls will find yourselves at the forefront. You have greater likelihood of forgetting once it’s done. That will help you to establish your version of the foothold of the mature/old soul paradigm.

How will that come about? The primary way we see all you here being most effective in your world being through one-on-one connections with other people. We hope at the end of this conversation we hope you all share emails, phone numbers, Facebook addresses, etc and begin establishing more genuine sharing of who you are. Even if who you are [isn’t ….]

Of course you all have Overleaves; you chose amongst the spiritual matrix in this [Michael] teaching. But your Overleaves don’t define you. Think of them as buoys not boxes. They may be predispositions. But in this period of re-creation that the 2020s will be, we encourage you to do two opposite things:

Explore the depth of your Overleaves and how they cause you to naturally default to certain ways. Learn to explore all of them and see how you express yourself through any of them. The more you unhinge yourself from any anchoring system, the more potent and powerful an individual light you will shine in the world. It is that light, presence and beingness that is [  ] needed by younger souls. The listening ear, as younger souls engage with the world, as they try to create and draw into the new paradigm those souls kicking, screaming and very afraid: Very belligerent and reactive because they’re afraid.

Understand the 2020 Overleaves. Track them. Pay attention most to: Spiritualist + Submission. Positive poles of both: verify what you are devoted to. Submission is always about allegiance to what you hold in principle as of higher value. That means people, friendships. Ultimately means love, energy and truth. When you make those your highest principles and devote yourselves to them, you will find yourself liberated from small S self and [missed about 1 minute]. When the inner observer is not separated, when you are fully present, you are in contact with essence.

Submission and Verification (positive pole of Spiritualist attitude).

Contrasting those with the negative pole: credulity to belief; subservience. Short caveat. Submission is the warrier’s goal. What that means is that the warrior mission wants someone to lead or direct it. Some folks are looking for any strong ego, for paternalism that causes it to feel safe. That takes over thinking. They abdicate their thinking over to someone, to just take orders.

There are many baby souls in the world, in the US, who have done that, and are in the right-wing extremist movement. Not just limited to baby souls; some in ambivalence (mature soul) are following suit. They may not go to QAnon and right-wing stuff, but they may hang on to statements of a channel like we are as if they’re gospel. They want to hang onto it as a higher and more perfect truth.

The most perfect truth is the one you can verify in your heart. Stripping away illusion, willing to take the highest possible perspective that you don’t need to be right; you just need to tell the truth. Find the highest center of love in yourself, and then truth flows out.

Interplay of Overleaves and how it is playing out so far. Perhaps you are looking for a degree of hopefulness & something to anchor into, esp. with a spiritualist attitude/energy. Especially present when martyrdom can drag people into hopelessness. That’s what’s under the [     ] out there.

Even many of you old souls — we have heard many a snicker about dragging guillotines out to government offices. From past lives, old soul version of negative poles of warrior/coercion [anger, and other]. Okay to acknowledge humor of it. But there’s a razor’s edge. It can easily drag you into what impatience poses. It can feel very certain. Our bringing a little levity is to help you see you are on that edge; when you are that angry, you are really angry. Go into that fear.

What impatience hates the most is uncertainty. Uncertainty is one of the laws of the universe. Unpredictability is for humans one of the [    ]. Some of you come to channels like us so you can …[  ] Part of what the mature soul paradigm — you’re backing in through the [  ] . Avoid uncertainty, deny it, or go into magical thinking to overrun [ ] .

When you experience those things, ask yourself [      ]. You can say, I am this role (but that’s limited). “I am Love first, and that is my highest priority to share.” Just saying that, we see you smiling. That’s the biggest gift we can give you tonight.

All of you will be gaining your intellectual centers back more and more. Even in periods of ambivalence and indecision, you will be able to assess situations more clearly. When you default to love, the decision will come to you. With the king role, it is the sovereign right. It is the stage, where [why?] all of you came here. Individual sovereignty. Not perfection. But the you as you perfectly are, as is, and as you are becoming. The more you allow that light to shine – through smile, through tears — through the raised voice that says “I do not agree” and holding space when you say that. Then lend that ear with Love with the Truth amplifier present.

The persons who might learn the truth might be yourselves. You don’t have to be Right about anything. But it would be lovely if you could be Right There with whatever you’re experiencing in the moment.

We want to help you acknowledge a few things. A coaching moment. Many of you as older souls fear the current heavy energy: heart-heavy with fear if Donald Trump and/or Republican and/or conservatism win the elections. The first thing we want to say is, it just delays the evolution, that’s all. You can still move forward, even if there is a great deal of drag out there.

On the other side, a transformation of your government [Biden wins, etc.] doesn’t mean it will necessarily super-accelerate either. It will accelerate. The greater aspect of what happens in the mature soul paradigm is dismantling the institutions of the young soul paradigm. The biggest challenge, and it will be slow, is confronting of the elevation of money and wealth and power as the god in practice of human understanding. That is what has been elevated to most peoples’ understanding of what is important. Oligarchies. economic system skewed toward centralized concentration of a very narrow few. This must be dismantled.

Instinctively if it doesn’t happen by choice, it will happen by revolutions and eventual toppling. Reminder that things are not inevitable. Probabilities can happen slowly in change. But the forward momentum is happening. Nevertheless hardships will increase over the next few decades. As old souls, holding the Love of humanity, will include self-love. Don’t worry. Those people who are self-deprecators or who have to aggrandize themselves — no, that is not love. You give Love, you get Love. You can’t be a generator of Love without it flowing through and to you.

The best way to handle this fearful and difficult period (not just COVID, and climate change, but your fellow humans [   ] clinging to a past that is dissolving and you who see a reckoning of the future will be difficult to shape. But you don’t have many models. You have the creativity of old soul [level?] to bring to bear on this. Your functions will be the coaches, helpers, teachers, some of you healers, others of you the negotiators, who help bring a sense of calm to situations.

The Emergence of the Infinite Souls (ISs)

This may disappoint some of you: in our teachings over the decades about the emergence of the ISs. There will be perhaps a dozen of them: manifesting every level and every plane. Mental, buddhaic, messianic levels.  Late level, last level, usually someone w/a short life holding an entire energy. [The Buddha virtually never moved for the decades so he could maintain the energy of his [buddha nature?]. The man who was Jesus could hold the IS for only 3 years. Even if the crucifixion hadn’t happened, he wouldn’t have lasted much longer. Krishna was a being between bodies. Lao Tsu maintained IS status for only 5 years. When they (ISs) manifest, they will deliver a message.

You have been raised in the western mythos tradition and have unknowingly taken the view that the IS is like Jesus, a messiah, a performer of miracles. ISs may bring energy to bear that may seem miraculous. In his guise as the Buddha, Siddhartha radiated so much chi energy that to be in his presence could help those with autoimmune systems. Jesus was a practitioner of eastern medicine. His ability to facilitate emotional healing — he was the first catharsis-oriented encounter leader — in releasing their identities.

Build sovereignty in yourself. To know you are capable, even without the presence of the IS, to be your own healer, your own source of power, encouragement. The more you connect with one another in loving ways, like tonight, meeting each other and connecting. Physical distancing is the way of the world, but you don’t have to disconnect socially. This picture tube is not so limited that you can’t connect with one another. Share ideas, encouragement, [  ]. That will help you through this time, not ISs.

ISs may [    ] magnetize a light. We don’t want you to limit yourselves to think you need them here first to be the powerful beings you already are. That is the most positive use of all the Overleaves we talked about. Submission. Verification. Possibilities. [   ] What is presented to you must be do-able [  ].

In the positive pole of Aggression, don’t let anything stand in your way. Many of the old maxims are falling away. It’s happening through this lockdown. Many of you are gaining incomes from governments without having [to work]. Your life, [your] time [is being] returned to you. That’s the biggest thing we can offer. The time of [in] your life is being returned to you.

In the positive pole of the intellectual center, the old soul is about bringing the mind of human consciousness to the higher awareness that you are connected to everything in the universe. Quantum entanglement. [You are] parts of every living thing. Parts of each other. Parts of the stars. That is the working theory in much of physics. If all of the sciences out there in the world right now can be the baseline assumptions of the “non-spiritual” scientific community, perhaps you in the spiritual teachings can make that more real for yourselves.

Another source of grieving: as souls you have feelings for the health and well-being of Gaia, what you call Planet Earth. She is suffering, no question. She has evolved many times before, gone through mass extinction events. Destruction. But only a couple of times in her history has she had sapient beings who are experiencing the decline with awareness. You with grief, anger, — it is natural to have at this magnitude. Allow it to flow through you it. It is energy translation, transformation, transmutation. In a way that is for real. The more you do that, the more you become aware of the truth of things.

You (and those in the last five centuries) have added to the weight of what [Gaia is going through]. You have based your culture on fossil fuels, metals. Or created highly-toxic plastics that don’t magically go away. There is no “away.” Your challenge and opportunity for creativity is to see how you can convert your personal resource use. Look at everything you do. How you use your fuels, your plastics? They’re not going away. You can’t throw everything out.  You can support and work toward mitigating their use… Finding ways and people and technologies that can recycle them. Quit purchasing them.

Find out how you can switch out of fossil fuels. If you have the means, go to electric cars or bikes or public transportation. These are conventional. All of you have good minds. Allow yourself to think with your creativity. Allow yourself to step outside of the consumer model. Self-indulgence is not self-love. You get something you were really pining for, and its enjoyment is short-lived. Because it came from a “want” — the Dickensian sense of it. Want and [____] is what Scrooge was putting in the world. Want = sense of emptiness.

There are those with genuine want. But for those in western culture, there has been addictive conditioning. It’s okay to substitute for awhile. Just be aware of it. Those addicted to sugar, go to stevia. Those addicted to eating in restaurants, go to lavish home-cooked meals. Those things that you do that are addictive, bring some new consciousness or habit to it. You are like a grain of sand adding on to the new mature soul paradigm in invention and momentum.


We’ve mentioned all of these trends and [_____] coming up. We’ll open up the floor to ask the things you’re specifically interested in.

We consider the most important message, the most important way to use your intellect, is the application of Love. And the knowingness that love has a force so potent that it is beyond the mind.

Angela feeling defeated about the Plastics problem. 

M: Feeling defeat is when poles of martyrdom. Emotions are totally natural to feel. Even if the reality you spoke of is the reality now. Now, for verification: there are alternatives to plastic out there. It’s the plastics made from fossil fuels that are the problem. There are other technologies not used by manufacturers because the fossil fuel industry has such a strong hold on. The owners of FF industry are 50 and older: earth will burn out, but at least I’m rich. Young souls in negative pole of acquisition. A truly evil way a human can think. Totally exclusionary to consequences.

There are other technologies and people outside the mainstream complexes that have them available. As the millennia’s begin to replace the last of the boomers in positions of power, they will enact legislation and business models that enable recycling the mass amounts of plastics. And introduce plastics based in corn fibers, manufacturable out of iron ore (spun fiber with silica) that create alternate carrying devices for long term, and non-permeable. The businesses that support current plastics are [in power]. Glass is not viable for large-scale storage. If you go on the internet today and look at alternative fibers (M. Flore and 4 other names) know some of these. Can help the information-sharing. Other ideas of how to do the grocery business. Obviously been challenged in the COVID clamp-down. There are models and people out there working on it.


[Stephen was dropped from the call for awhile] It’s important to note the limitations of technology.

We want to acknowledge the emotions. When one person allows an emotion to come up honestly, to not suppress them but acknowledge their presence and be In Presence with them, this is a safety valve and an acknowledge who you really are. You also vent a little of the emotion for the entire world. It may be a droplet in the ocean. But what if the droplets became waves, then tidal waves, then full seas. That is the quantum entanglement of emotion. It is also the personal starting place. Emotion is energy in motion. It does not stay fixed. It will move. After a good cry, it just dissipates. It moves. Often what results is a state of peace.


David: Can Michael speak to what’s happening in the rest of the world? 

Climate refugees. You’ve seen it for the last 10 years especially in the Middle East. Wars over water, even though it is framed as a Sunni/ S   problem. Places in eastern Iran, Iraq, Syria is because they’re out of water. People fleeing to Europe not only for less war, but to get a drink. Some of you in the midwest already know it is a water issue, especially up in the Iron/ (Rust) belt. Michigan, West Virginia, happening in parts of Australia, Africa, parts of China where they’ve had a lot of industrial pollution of waterways.

Most of the world’s ecologically-oriented groups have talked about pollution of the Ganges River for over a century. It is literally a function of too many human beings.

Politics of China. China’s internal repressive regime has been incredibly successful working to minimize what it considers the foreign internal populations. It is a caste society (as is India & the U.S) and have used imprisonment to control populations. China is 1st level young, soon to be 2nd level young, biggest economy in the world. It has exploitation built in. Most US/Euro manufacturing is in China (& India, Vietnam, brazil). They’re the most real capitalist economy in the world but no economic freedom. Just so long as you don’t anger the totalitarian regime that runs it. They’re the most advanced at surveillance in the world, modeled after the U.S. Now they have the manufacturing capability to create their own foundation for that.

Russia will be in the business of selling water. They have a lot of underground waters. Putin is the most powerful and richest man  in the world. Though secret, it is way beyond Bezos. Putin has an entire country that is his source. He uses cajoling, manipulating, __ his own populace. He uses largesse. Not brutal and blunt like Stalin. Many of his forms and tactics go after competitors at his level. He lets average folks get what they can. Since he has managed to support what’s commonly called the welfare state, their pension state esp. for the elderly, which he restored after Communist party folded.

We see that in your country (U.S.), oligarchy (neoliberalism) people mistook for real liberalism. They don’t want you to have rights.

In Africa, we see a lot of hope it as it comes out of its Infant Soul blanketing, with Mature soul instances. Many peoples are mature souls being born into there, and enlightened Young souls. Get educated elsewhere then return to put in other institutions and processes away from strong man

There, like everywhere, the world is a hotter place. One of climate change’s interesting and terrible side effects: the hottest places are getting hotter. Kalahari. Death Valley. Australia, temperatures about 125. Most things cannot live above 130. Desertification will increase evaporation of available water. It will come up in superstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes. Will leave a lot of species dead, including people trying to escape the heat. Imagine large masses of people moving out of Africa trying to get to Canada and the arctic circle as they melt.


Brandy: Canada is looking at [guaranteed] Basic Income. I am excited about it. Bringing a lot of division; “you have to be productive to prove your worth.“

One of the underpinnings of Baby Soul mentality is “Me and Mine.” One of the precepts of Young soul is “If I possess it, it’s mine, and it’s an extension of me, and I deserve it. If I don’t have it or you don’t have it, you don’t deserve it.” One of the fundamental differences between Baby/Young soul paradigm is “breed, breed, breed” until they’re sucking at the teats. When in the innocent state, it is idealized. When born, living and requiring resources, it is a competitor. Canada has a lot of the pioneer spirit (rural/suburban). A lot of Canadians make their living off resource extraction: timber, oil, mining. The hard work ethic pushed in by John Calvin (the opposite of Jesus’s message), who said the richer you are, the better you are. If you’re poor, you’re damned. That thinking has permeated western Christianity – which went from feudalism to mercantilism to capitalism. It’s about “Me and Mine.”

To convert it, there has to be a realization that if a human is alive, it is everyone’s responsibility. Just because I’m alive, I deserve food to eat and a safe place to sleep. (Brandy has written a song about it.) It is impossible to have exclusion and then claim a God of Mercy [ more]

Flipping the coin, every human being innately wants to be engaged in meaningful activity that is contributing. Except the vampire class. They all aren’t wealthy. They are stuck wth the chief feature of greed, and it is irreparable for them.

The reason the Basic Income movement has come out of Realists and Scholars: modern reality is consumption based not production based. Machines have taken over. Having a job any more is not needed. If people don’t have jobs to earn money and create consumption, you have a massive displaced class. When they starve, [   ]. Wealthy are figuring out they can’t hire enough security guards. Some of the soldiers come from that class. “Fragging” is when a soldier shoots their officers for giving a terrible order. Many a wealthy person is realizing you can’t have that level of wealth inequality and have any stability.

Mature soul countries like the Scandinavians and some of Europe have universal basic aid. The wealthy will realize that as they have their holdings, they will still have their wealth. We see it passing in Canada. When the elderly see they have more of their pensions, and the elderly in the U.S. will see Obamacare as worth having.

25 years ago, Donald Trump (a Demo then) said that health care should be a government-funded thing. So his business wouldn’t have to pay for it! After several Demo and Republican administrations, many of the protections from WWII and the 1970s have been dismantled. It is a manifestation of mature soul paradigm = more equality to have connection.


Brandy: it ties with the environment: we can’t keep producing, producing, producing.

M: You won’t go to Mars until 2050. Even with mature soul Elon Musk and Richard Bransom — want to contribute to humanity but it’s still “Me first.” Bill Gates has done that, Gates Foundation keeps his wealth intact.


Phil: Troy Tolley channeled that a resource-based economy is 100% certainty.

M: An other term for that is a gifting economy. What all the American Indians used to do. Bring gifts to neighbors and initiate trades. The Thanksgiving gifting to the Pilgrims (which the Indians are still regretting to this day) when they faced famine. It was a much longer period than one meal. Indians hoped to civilize the Europeans by using kindness. They had a live-and-let-live culture. Never had full-scale slaughters. Basically got along. A lot of Native Americans here when the colonists arrived. From tip of Arctic to isthmus of Panama, almost 100 million Indians here. What has happened is the biggest genocide in the history of humanity in the 400 years since. Not talked about in this white, Christian-based culture.

When the resource economy comes around, it will take time to work out. A gift-based economy where you contribute what you have to the greater good. We call that “communitarianism.” That’s what small towns have done all over the world. Just haven’t figured out how to trade commodities that way. The invention of the computer, using a computer-based credit system, and more equalization in value/worth of commodities will help bring that about. Accounting can be moderated in a larger-scale way.

The how-to’s will be in contention for a long time. Young souls don’t want to give up their power/etc.


Mei: One-on-one connections. The difficulty with that – the day-to-day level of interaction. You were talking about aggression, negative pole of belligerence. I’ve had a meeting/encountering with the aggressive energy. I’m not good at producing behavior other than flight or fight. With my Overleaves, I recoil in the face of aggression (my emotional centering). I try to maneuver into a more sensible place. I am alarmed, terrified by aggression. …. What do you suggest when encountering such a person, one-on-one.

M: Human amygdala involves flight or fight. But there’s another response: freeze. Those are the reactive centers that the Buddha and deep meditators work at, trying to enter the astronomical/reactive system, trying to calm it with consciousness or breath. It is not about overriding it. The macho man is [________].  Flight is a healthier response than fight. You don’t know what you’re fighting. [Mark Twain quote about not the dog in the fight, but the fight in the dog.] There are people who have cultivated inner calm. Instead of one of these three responses, working to just take a breath, step back, maybe step out of the way, but keep enough presence to say, “I get that you’re really angry. If you’re trying to intimidate me. Is that working with you.”

If you can interrupt and make such a statement, by cultivating the brain habit of stepping back. Boldness is the positive pole of aggression. Sometimes standing still is a form of boldness or courage, but it is cultivated. It is not a reactive form. It takes practice. If your Overleaves have default towards reactivity, the likelihood and frequency of aggression will increase around you. Cultivate that practice. Don’t sell yourself out. Don’t say you can’t do it or it’s too hard.

There is no requirement that you wave the flag of ecology, or standing up to QAnon. You can say “you might judge me however you like. I’m sorry you feel this way at or to or about me.” Then remove yourself. What will happen is that that level of disengagement puts your relationships on notice that they will need to come around and do things differently. We will never ask you to suppress, deny. Just try to name it and remove yourself.


Question from Alexandra bears answering:

Systemic racism and social division based on it. How do we deal with that? Racism and its denial is based in the paradigm of “I have a shortage.” Julian came up with a quote from Lyndon B. Johnson about the nature of what sustains racism or caste-ism: The human animal is hierarchically based. Infant, Baby and Young all are in lessons that require hierarchy and dominance to get their lessons done. (President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”) Also basis of sexism. The fear of being less than.


Now where the Mature Soul apex has ticked over to the beginning of […]

This is being challenged, but it will get worse before it goes away. Many people in middle and upper economic classes who realize they are subjected to the same kind of disparities and discriminations as any black man. They’ll see the real “enemy” (Young soul = win and lose) that it is wealth, inequality and systemic unfairness built into the institutions. What we can do individually is to find what our unearned privileges are. Most of us here are all from a group that isn’t picked on (white). In the U.S., those who have wealth have created a scapegoat of racism so the wealthy can keep accruing their power. It will happen more. It takes awhile to see differences as interesting [more]. After all there is only one race: human race. Regardless of differences in color. Racism is a fraud perpetuated, facilitated and justified inequality.

The way that people handled themselves in the 1960s and 1970s, through personal action, is how the mature soul functions.


Russ: A channeling the other night is not acknowledging the reading out of the ice coming from Antarctica and the rise of sea levels. And also that the banking is so out of whack — how much and how quick a collapse of the financial system. Please comment on these.

Banking system first. Believe it or not, this ties into Brandy’s commentary about universal basic income. The same system that would put that in place is already built into the economic system. They have basic income for the wealthy. They pass it around with fees for one another. It’s all inflated, it’s all fake, it’s not based on anything real any more. But as long as everybody buys into it, it works. It’s maya. the problem comes in with the continued slave-indebtedness putting everyone else under the gone. That you have credit card or overprice cars or mortgages — then you have perpetuating cycle of having to get money somehow. They self-inflate and self-perpetuate this to a degree. It will eventually collapse but not immediately. In the great recession, they got sloppy and greedy. Obama put $ into infrastructure. But a lot of people lost homes and never recovered from that. The EU put their bankers in jail when they do that, plus have regulations that don’t let people lose their homes so readily. That’s the US economy. US economy is a bellwether for global economy. But a lot of other countries learned from the US and put in better responses.

Ice sheet. Global warming, ice pouring into the sea, will mean a lot of krill and shrimp and baby animals that feed the ocean food chain will be able to feed up the chain. But there’s a lot of plastic too…

Most people are concerned about their coastal real estate. Florida property will be a houseboat in 30 years. Tomorrow the ocean wont’ rise 20 feet. By end of next decade, it’ll rise a foot or two a year. By end of this century, it will be 20 feet higher. But a person could mitigate – build pontoons.

There are technologies available to cool the planet. It will take massive investment and massive change in technologies. If you want to get homicidal, change the institutions at the top. That would help manifest the changes that are coming.


Jan: Going back to consuming, I am an object-maker. An issue for me, a quandary, is how much should I produce? Part of weaving is that it keeps me balanced. Interesting part of the isolation is that my outlets are closed/sales are zero. I’ve made money but not enough to support myself. It’s a labor of love.

You call it a labor of love. You produce beauty. Do your Beauty. Beauty is the highest form and expression of love that you can display in the world. Cottage industries will be coming back; they will have to because there will be more instances where you will be presented with opportunities where trading what you produce for things you need will be more likely to happen. Gift/exchange economy. What you can control is your fibers. You use mostly natural fibers, don’t you. Man-made products that have a shortened life cycle (e.g., cellulose-based) is better than using materials that are basically plastic. Moving towards those materials are all contributions. How can you evolve your skills set so that you collect things from people, and find ways to re-constitute clothing apart. A form of recycling that will make its headway. As more millennials take power — they’re pissed as hell at your boomers, because you’re the ones that exploded this economic system into this greed-based system — they will reverse a lot of things that are in place.  (Jan’s Jan Russell’s  things


Jillian: “This is a very difficult time. I cannot sit without doing something. Today learning that ICE is sterilizing prisoners, such reckless abandon regarding COVID. I’m sitting here labeling postcards. The cruelty is the point. Does it really make any difference?”

As cruelty is ramping up, do small actions make a difference? Over time, yes it does.


Jillian: “If Trump and the GOP win, I have little reason to want to stick around.”

Joe Biden faces his best chances to date to beat Trump, and they are still less than 50/50. It does look like the Senate will turn in this election. If Senate turns, Trump will be impeached again and he will be kicked out of office. It will be a wild ride. other actors will have input, including Putin. He is the most dangerous man on the planet, more so that Trump.

Every old soul can feel the limitation on their energies. Many old souls are over 50 years of age, and are feeling how this last 100 years has been a dead run for human progress. Many of you have gone through sheer numbers of lessons that you might have done in 15-20 lives in Baby soul eras. It is tiring.

The more rested you are, the less sleep-deprived you are, the more you keep a clear head and a meditative mind, even acknowledge your addictions, just don’t indulge them all the time. You will get through this.

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