Jan 112022
2022 Signals - Get a Move On

In 2022, no one can see how far they have to go or how close a solution may be.

“Put your world in order or order will be imposed upon you.”
Michael’s Consortium

Worried, Wearied and Waging Warrior Year

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Role: Warrior > +Persuasion – Coercion
Cast: Sage > + Dissemination – Verbosity

Listen to the Presentation from January 7th, 2022

Part 1: Overleaves and Analysis:
Part 2: Audience Q&A:

Goal: Discrimination/Rejection > +Discernment –Prejudice/Exclusion (Jan-Jun) Acceptance > +Affiliation/Inclusion -Ingratiation/Placation (July-Dec)

Attitude: Spiritualist > +Verification –Credulity/Gullibility (Jan-Jun)
Idealist > +Coalescence –Naivete or Doctrine  (July-Dec)

Mode:Power > + Authority –Oppression

Chief Feature: Stubbornness > +Willfulness/Determination
– Obstinance/Resistance/Destructiveness = All Year
Slides to Martyrdom  > +Selflessness -Victimization (Emphasized July-Dec)

Centering: Moving  > +Productive -Frenetic. (Jan – June)
Intellectual +Thought/Conceptualization -Rationalization (July-Dec)
Turn your thoughts into Motion as quickly as possible. Delays cause problems.

Frequency: 44 > A pace which most people can work at. Steady activity.

Masculine/Feminine Energy Ratio: > 100/0 +Focus -Rigidity (Mono-Task not Multitask. Do one thing at a time with full attention then move to the next.

Body Type: Saturn > +Formidable -Gaunt (get lean physically and financially)
Many people will have issues with bones, joints, structural alignment and failing structures of important institutions. Archetype of the Leader.

Scope: Exalted > +Expansion -Imposing. Directing attention to the World.

Axis Influence > Action +EngagementAgitation

Aspects of TAO > Truth Love and Energy: Energy Year

Perspectives to Assess the Topics in this Essay

  • Personal Concerns and Essence Plan Reorientation
  • Other Person, Public Groups, and Mass Psychology
  • Economic and Political vs. Biological and Environmental
  • Individual Mechanisms and Choices vs System Actions and Laws

Key Ideas toward your own Wellbeing

  • Setting and Following-through on goals will give you feelings of victory and enhanced competency. Energy will accrue and build on success.
  • Gather your resources and be ready for potentially difficult economic times. Use arithmetic and not the complicated, lofty notions of math or calculus.
  • Get in your body which means find your strengths and work to compensate for your deficiencies. Boost your efforts. Break a sweat and you will feel alive.
  • Extend your ability to delay gratification of material wants, get tougher!
  • Focus on your body’s health and vigor. The best way is to minimize stimulants and depressants. Allow homeostasis to reset. Minimize indulgences limiting them to genuine need or reward for goals attained.
  • Start putting thoughts into words. Clarify ideas, leave instructions, set standards. Don’t accept vague language or you’ll be trapped by it.
  • If you need to take medications, get the best, most effective and in precise dosage for your body.
  • Find a cause that is important to you, that you can get behind and believe in. Something worth fighting for! It does not matter if you are active in it or just support those who fight for that ideal. Be clear.
  • Hope will have to be generated from real work on yourself or achievement.
  • Confront Resentments – Whether personal or social, feelings of distorted helplessness, powerlessness, hopelessness and bitterness are distilled in this unexpressed or unacknowledged feeling of being wronged or slighted.
  • Reduce Debt. Return to the use of cash. Downsize. Lighten your load.
  • Focus on 3rd Chakra and the power center – tighten your solar plexus – develop guts (i.e. Intestinal Fortitude = +Warrior +Masculine +Stubbornness) Develop better digestion. Straighten (+Saturn) your spine (rear side of the 3rd chakra) Cut cords at your Power Center (3rd) that limit your own potency with self-doubt.
  • Remember that actual thinking is active and focused. What most people ascribe to thought are repetitive passive narratives running in the background of their sub-conscious. Memories are programming them.
  • Make work playful whenever possible and it will raise your vibration.
  • Make sure to give your mind a rest (i.e. headquarters😊) find other things to relax with (pleasant and sometimes distracting) like games, interesting books, or just active outdoor activities to get into the Moving Part of the Center. Mental overload leads to stress and cortisol buildup. Make sure to get it out of your body. Sex/masturbate is useful.
  • Resting the Mind means stilling this process effectively for periods of time. You will feel refreshed if you do so. Use your body to do so. Sitting meditation will feel difficult for many because of body energy.

Themes of 2022

  • Action Year – After 2 years of ambivalence most will want to lean into the year and push forward.
  • Emphasis on Managing Uncertainty (and the anxiety/stress it produces)
  • Garner Your Resources: financial, physical, emotional, & informational.
  • Courts of Law will be surrogate battle grounds. Issues are fought over.
  • Forge new and supporting Alliances – do not go it alone. Be neighborly.
  • Hard Lessons. Try not to resist even when you hate the conclusion.
  • Confront Worry.
  • Contract Language and Terms of Conditions will be the source of controversy in many sectors of the economy.
  • Lawyers are Warriors with a Sage bent, using Words to pigeonhole, and obfuscate. And under the heading of “definition”, they usually are creating loopholes that allow the writer to escape and those who agree to a contract to be ensnared by it.
  • A Sage with a Warrior bent is called a Polemicist – One who picks a fight with words to create a controversy. The positive use of such a strategy is to blast holes in false arguments and reveal the motives of those who adhere to them. Of the more deliberately confusing motives of such a tactic is to selectively deceive by misrepresenting its meaning or intent.
  • Speak with Conviction, Self-Respect, and Authority (in your own words) – Ground what you are asserting with provable facts. Opinions are fine but declare them as such.

Important Trends in the Human World

  • Mature Soul Warriors on Defense vs Young Soul Warrior on Offense.
  • Weaponized Narratives – Polemics. Not just propaganda but literally inflammatory rhetoric to pick a fight to justify aggression. One of the worst passive-aggressive forms of this can be paying lip-service by stating or affirming one thing and failing to carry out congruent actions on what is declared or promised. This strategy is the politics of delay.
  • Bad Year for Human Rights, Progressive efforts, Women, Minorities, the poor, and refuges all over the world stage; unless average people act heroically to counteract totalitarian efforts by strongman leaders, corporate interests. Death and fighting are inevitable outcomes of such struggles. Corporate media sources will skew how they are reported.
  • Alcohol Consumption is the Number 1 health hazardous addiction. People are resorting to alcohol, others to Rx drugs because they lack meaningful purposeful activity and instead are just earning a livelihood.
  • Pay attention to food and the quantity and type of Intake. Starches, sweeteners, trans fats, chemical preservatives, and large servings have overwhelmed natural body processes and lead to auto-immune diseases. Get simpler, more natural and fresh plant-based foods. Eat less with less adulteration. Take smaller bites. Chew thoroughly and really taste your food. Optimal body weight will reset.
  • Russia, China, Brazil, Turkey, and Japan are aggressively accumulating (economic imperialism) on the world scene. Domestic crack downs of their populations and centralizing internal control is growing. Modern social conditions appear as a combination of George Orwell’s 1984 Proles – the poor and working class, Aldus Huxley’s Alphas of Brave New World for the wealthy, Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale for women and minorities, and for the Earth Soylent Green.
  • Climate Crisis efforts are failing on large scale. Vested corporate interest delay actions using any number of excuses. India ramped up use of coal plants. Strip mining in China. Burning rain forest in the Amazon. American failure to eliminate fossil fuel use and not have vehicle emission standards. The melting South Pole Ice Sheet will raise sea level. The Arctic permafrost will release methane and microbes.
  • Homeless people are being scapegoated and few are dealing with the faults and limitations of the Financial, Health Care, Justice, and Labor Systems, all of which are at the edges of collapse due to corruption.
  • Omicron will be strong during the Winter but fade into Summer. Other variants will become endemic and thus relegated to the background of social concerns. Over the next 7 years, the next generation of SARS virus begins its evolution to the next plague.
  • Be aware of Warrior Institutions and Actors (Enforcement): Military, Police, Private Security (and thugs), Big Business, martial arts, hunting, and sports (especially organized leagues). Each is a venue for actual or virtual killing or combat. All of them will be actively seeking your allegiance to further their control by restriction of individual freedoms in favor of more concentrated power for themselves.
  • Human Overpopulation remains the Earth’s biggest cause of problems. War and climate refugees, the homeless, and indigenous peoples forced off of their lands because of governments takeaways will rise.
  • Labor/Common person are asserting their power again. Gas and food price rises, the COVID experience have driven many people to re-examine what it means to work, earn a livelihood, and how that translate into personal survival or support of an unequal system of power. Unionization and worker power will be asserted at job sites and more so in strikes and court actions. Laws still vastly favor employers.

Warrior Ethics to improving your situation in 2022

All Roles can use these Warrior’s Standards for discipline and empowerment.

  • Competence is a Warrior’s most effective weapon. A Warrior knows that persuasion is less destructive than combat. Try negotiating with others before a battle, and produce win-win instead of win-lose.
  • Think strategically. Who are your allies? What is the best way to use your resources? Do what you can, when you can, as best you can.
  • Use fear to fuel courage. Pretending you aren’t afraid increases denial.
  • Know who/what you are loyal to. (What are your Ideals and those you Love?) Be neighborly and openly discuss mutual advantages to alliance.
  • Learn when to retreat or run. And, when to stand your ground.
  • Respect your own needs and boundaries while showing the same.
  • Train to anticipate resistance. Minimize your own emotional “buttons”. Learn to not react. Weaponized words will bait you into reactions.
  • Standing up to bullies may just mean not letting them affect you.
  • Worrying is suffering twice. Be proactive and address issues head-on.
  • Say little and observe a lot!
  • Pay attention to your surroundings. Take nothing for granted.
  • Whether friend or foe, learn their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Be nimble and pivot when circumstances box you in.
  • Don’t delay. Act immediately when an opportunity arises.
  • Go for the Gusto! Have fun. Go all out!

The above Warrior axioms are useful in everyday life, but also as a beginning point for meditating on your status as an alive person, here and now, in this body – in this life – in this circumstance. The time for running to spiritual dogmas for reassurance is better spent contemplating the facts of the above ideas about yourself and where you stand, then pivot and make new a plan.

Such a review will force many of you to float to the surface some of the revised life plans you made at the junction of Essence, Personality and Ego during the 2021 Instinctive Center reorganization. Warriors like order and regimentation of things that are significant to them. Combined with its own Chief Feature, Martyrdom, we say you’d best enter into a “boot camp” of self-toughening, (meaning you really don’t feel like doing it), but you do it anyway! Otherwise, as we mentioned in the beginning, aspects of social or economic circumstance will force order upon you. Stubborn resistance will only make the pain greater and lend to worry, helplessness and despair.

Some Old and Mature Souls may find disappointment that the hallowed notions you held as cornerstones of identity no longer support you. It will be a continuation of a grieving process that was activated in the previous year’s Cynic Attitude. “Old notions die hard” is a platitude that if you realize is occurring, you can face the resistance of the Chief Features of Stubbornness and stay out of the “poor me” self-pity and resentment of Martyrdom. It can trigger hypochondria as well. Make sure you discern which ailments are physical and real and those that are psychosomatic. Those unnamed stirrings underpin the terror and reactiveness to violence that many Baby and Young Souls fallback to when their prized Ideals are shown, either as fantasy or as misunderstandings.

Fear of Uncertainty, finding that “tried and true” beliefs are no longer useful, is one way that an Ego is triggered into defense. Thus, overriding the habit of jumping to a conclusion (the negative pole of Discrimination) will be essential and allow reality to Coalesce anew and intertwine the positive poles of the Idealist Attitude and Acceptance Goal and Sage Casting. This will feel more difficult when the Masculine Energy Warrior’s Ego is triggered then activates a preemptive strike at a quick jab or repartee toward the perceived source of offense. To deter this knee-jerk reaction requires learning to use your Intellectual Center to consider circumstances before you respond. Said in terms of aphorisms, which can be useful aids in remembering how and what to pay attention to and a way that both the Sage and Warrior would agree is: don’t believe everything you think!

As said earlier, the negative pole Sage, particularly an Idealistic one, can likely pay lip service to agreements or principles. The Warrior bases trust upon demonstrated follow thru. Apply the verifying standard of “put up or shut up” because actions speak louder than words.

The principal causes of misunderstanding are not “lies” per se, in the sense of deliberate deception or deceit but rather misinformation, ignorance of proper context or self-delusion to preserve a cherished belief.

The American educational system has largely defeated many citizens ability to critical thinking which is the positive poles of both Discrimination and the Intellectual Center. Beneath this statement is the notion that persons often fear the complexity of real-life systems. Thus, the default reliance upon simplistic binaries like: good or bad, right or wrong, truth or lie moralisms which underscore the lessons of earlier Soul Ages, triggers fear in the Ego. Understand that these mental strategies were, at one time, simple and useful short-term hand-holds for the mind; necessary to some degree for immediate survival or problem-solving. But that short-sightedness is detrimental to the long-term understanding (Exalted Scope) of complex problems and issues that have many nuanced causes, inputs, circumstances, and consequences. The results have culminated in the many concurrent emergencies facing humanity today. Rigor in thinking and engagement in action is what is called for in favor of Earth’s preservation and reducing Homo Sapiens’ destructiveness.

Metaphysical Comments about Human Group Consciousness in 2022

As the World of collective human consciousness exposes the fallacies of Young/Baby Soul precepts like “might makes right”, “truth is what I say it is”, “money is power”, and “the Earth does we want it to do because God (or any mystical power) has promised it so”; they reveal the short-sightedness and fabrications that have sustained them for so long. Their predictive instability causes uncertainty, and the natural result is disillusionment and fear. Dissolving the old to transform the parts into something new can produce chaos for many as they often fear loss and the unknown. Yet the cycle of invention to ossification, then extinction, then transformation, is the way of every system: biological, astronomical, political, economic, and thus historically relating to all human cultures and the environments they inhabit.

The new Mature/Old Soul paradigm precepts of “Earth and societies must live sustainably or perish”, “Love is not a syrupy or romantic emotion of weakness, it is the glue that fuels endurance when fear would rather collapse”. “Death is an inevitability, but the murder or neglect causing it is a choice” (like wars and homelessness). And, “Like it or not you are all in this together.” “It is us and them not us vs them.” Each of these maxims have only limited exposure in group consciousness and will struggle (within evolution’s cauldron of testing and refinement) to emerge in a way that carries the species forward, or towards failure. The experiment of humanity, and the planet Earth which has its own consciousness, may choose to fall into the stockpile of evolutionary dead-ends.

Interconnection of SPIRIT and Religious Misinterpretations

Central to this discussion about the trajectory of Human and planetary fate, is whether Earth is “too big to fail.” And behind it an unstated assumption that the Universe will somehow “not let that happen.” Inferred in this is AGENCY from a superordinate Source. In our teachings we call it TAO. TAO learns from every outcome and consequence! So stop pretending with hope that God is going to bail you out. Or, on the other end of the spectrum of hopelessness, that your current trajectory of self-destruction is inevitable and you might as well just give up or give in. Both are passive. Both are erroneous. And both are choices from abdication.

Human evolution depends on constantly expanding the context of understanding the complexity of life and interactions with their environment.

Yet contrary to almost all religious doctrines and many personal spiritual credos, the TAO does NOT interact with one, personally. That instead is relegated to the Essence which is an aspect but not the entirety of the Force. IT does NOT require adulation (worship) of itself nor inclusion in any calculation e.g. “because God or Allah has Willed it”, and does not need being “glorified” by worshippers sounding praise or giving thanks by whatever symbolic offerings made, let alone be “soldiers of Christ” to defend IT.

TAO simply IS! It watches the interaction of all ITS mechanical and free will agents (Universal Laws interacting with Sapient Choice) to see what outcome Does God hide from us?prevails. If the TAO desires at all, IT is or more precisely said to be prone or inclined for the expansion of ITS awareness. Sometimes, it nudges the players game board with a NEXUS to change the arrangement of characters, events, and ways of thinking. Yet, it leaves to Sapient Life forms that have the accountability of taking determined action (conscious choice) that preserves life, or destroys it: Life en-masse, that is, not necessarily specific individuals, species, or a planet itself. All are subject to continual evolution. There are no supernatural bailouts coming! Individual and collective choices show intent of direction.

Humans on Earth are together at that tipping point of choosing a direction. But they cannot choose what the Earth will do, only what they can do to interact with it. You are part of the TAO collectively and individually. Which side of the great scales of balance will you find or choose to be on the side of? Where will you lend the weight of your choices? Your actions on the stage of life, your portrayal of your Role and how you display yourself, fall on one side or the other of advancement or decline. Your choices may not be obvious but if you choose the love of life, not simply the fear-based drive to CYA, which is Ego’s version of survival, but toward a wider optimism to share love and do no harm, then you will have chosen the path of contribution (Mature Soul paradigm) rather than remain ensconced in the animal programming of acquisition (the Young/Baby Soul paradigm).

In 2021, the year after “the Great Suspension of 2020” where the Coronavirus pandemic served as TAO’s harbinger to jolt humanity into seeing many of the illusions it was sustaining; that Artisan period with its opportunity for Instinctive Center restructuring opened the door to what we termed “the beginning of the beginning.” The actual period when Mature Soul values arose into mainstream culture and infiltrated/jarred the thinking of many to displace the traditions and psychic underpinnings of the earlier paradigms. Understand that like an animal that is cornered, wounded, or dying, the ideas of the Young/Baby Soul mentality are making a grand last stand causing many of you to incorrectly conclude that the world is moving backwards. You are not. In fact forward is all there is. But don’t forgetting this and keep exerting the necessary effort, aiming it forward by inventing the new era with ideas, expanded consciousness, more humane principles, hence building or reshaping institutions, you will lose the forward motion and allow the collapse that so many of you are fearing and having dread about.

Make no mistake: confrontation and conflict with the holders of ossified ideas is inevitable! How you respond, rather than react, to the chaos of reorganization is completely a function of your courage to move forward…even when you are uncertain and the direction doesn’t feel good. The new and unknown that challenges bedrock assumptions or deals directly with loss rather than denial of it, will always trigger Stubbornness – the fear one is unable to cope with the unknown. The strategies it produces: stay put, minimize the problem, defer action saying the “the government” or “common sense” or “the lord” wouldn’t let that happen or will “deal with it” must be noticed and named for what they are: avoidance. These examples of narratives are the classic way a mind is controlled under a fearful Ego, which tries desperately to remain safe from threats, and affects the way that humans act, or more specifically – shirk responsibility through inaction.

Evolutionary leaps happened when one paradigm of beliefs begin to fail. But they often must jump a chasm toward an unseen ledge which is the future. To stay in fear of fear is the surest way to defeat oneself before you ever get into a contest with another. Interesting enough, overconfidence, motivated by the CF of Arrogance, is a strategy to pretend that fear doesn’t affect you. As Self-Deprecation’s under-confident belief that “it/I will never be enough” or “can’t win” or “who am I to try” hobbles confidence. Each have been shown throughout history as strategies that can fail as much as they allow for an outcome to happen. But balancing faith in oneself with an honest appraisal of one’s limitations, then working to address them, is the positive uses of these qualities in the positive poles. Feeling overly superior or inferior, and trying to hide either of them from oneself is how one falls into the negative poles. Face fear, honor truth, and bring love to the Self that struggles with both, but try not to pretend nor masquerade.

Too many simultaneous conflicts lead up to upheaval. Warriors know this best when in the negative pole coercion/intimidation/violence. And eventually the actual destruction wrought by the large-scale undertaking of war. War has been the most familiar way that people have acted out on fear in a mass psychology. For the Mature Soul era to take root and progress, this way of venting animal emotions must be confronted and redirected. Otherwise, extinction of Earth will be inevitable. This process continues to be the juggernaut of collective species default settings and the tools of war – guns, munitions, ships, planes, and weapons of mass destruction: bio-agents, chemical weapons, energy weapons, computer technology and sabotage units (black-ops) are continually invested in by big governments and with greater regularity enriching private corporations and “strong men” rulers with profits and control.

Many people across the world are aware of this concentration of power and are seeking to expose these tides; while others in power continually use force, legal mechanisms, or journalistic censure and propaganda to silence opposing voices. (Remember Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi whose murder was directly linked to orders given by Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman?)

Warriors can fight together as a unit, a bonded band-of-brothers (or sisters) or simply act under command as soldiers or thugs. Both the distinctions of the positive and negative poles of the archetype of Warriors, but also that aspect in the human psyche where bravery and brutality can equally spring. Your opportunity this year will be to pay attention to who you can count on.

But what makes this year of particular note is the fact that Masculine Energy is so highly emphasized at 100%. This leaves little room for the receptivity,  openness to, or allowance of happenings present in the positive pole of Feminine Energy.  It will likely repress ones willingness to reveal more tender emotions to another, leaving them to build pressure and emerging only when they are the most raw and intense. Many of our students can infer correctly that this year’s combination of energies can lead to either very rigid and structured situations, and when that fails extremely volatile or explosive ones. In either case, only your strength of character will help support your discipline to withstand them or collapse into rage-seething outpourings of emotion. Yet, the Intellectual Center can temper them with Reason, bringing a moderating influence upon both fear or rage; each of which tends to inspire reactions rather than decisive action.

An old euphemism about both personal power and bravery is attributed to the part of the body where the 3rd chakra resides: GUTS! And the assessment of whether you have “guts” is often made by the observer of action, not the person acting. The only thing you can actually know is when your stomach tightens (3rd Chakra being activated) and your jaw tightens (Stubbornness kicks into determination), and you tip your head forward, (a power stance), you are about to act with defiance at least, and potentially with courage. So listening to outside feedback, and yes — even comparing yourself against external benchmarks, is an important self-check to not delude yourself. External standards can be useful. Both Chief Features will challenge you to make sure that any standards you adopt are reasonable for your circumstances. If you are financially struggling don’t start with the same goals as Bill Gates. Start with a simple spending/saving plan.

Because Martyrdom is the fear of being “out-of-control” (it is the Warrior’s nested Chief Feature after all), the best way to deal with such fears is to focus on what you can do! That means individual self-determination to assess what you have, how you behave, and maintaining your own discipline for the purpose of readiness. And not going into “woe is me”. Or the more resentful and potentially hostile form of it, “you made me do it.”

Martyrdom is a challenge to the Ego self to muster courage or fall into hopelessness and defeat. This is a choice! Not always a choice about circumstances (which the Physical Plane is constantly modifying) but the attitude one chooses to adopt to confront or just cope with them.

Courage is the Warrior’s most valuable resource. They know that to be true to self, an ally, or principle, is that they must convert fear into action. Compliance is not necessarily cowardly, but when situations demand one to lie to themselves to “get along” then they are reacting to feelings of subservience, powerlessness, and obedience, and not loyalty! To collapse into such a state is neither a moral failing nor punishment, but believing you have no choice is an abdication of your spiritual power of sovereignty (i.e. the right to make up your own mind or act from you own will). You will have many instances this year to discern the difference between the two qualities and even the shades of gray along that spectrum.

To act in such a way as described is to exercise one’s personal power (+Authority, Self-Determination, Soloverse) and to be in alignment with the greater balance of TAO, and the system you call Nature. Power lies in the maximization of one’s strengths and talents and sharing them with the collective. That is the Mature Soul perspectives of involvement and contribution. But the well ensconced Young Soul version of Power is based on taking the power of others through subjecting them to obedience or robbing them of their own sense authority and agency. Make no mistake, the positive pole of Martyrdom +Selflessness, will influence many to risk any personal threats as they seek to advance life especially against the forces of Evil. This is heroism, as a principle, and the ultimate Warrior act of bravery. Yet, the moral quagmire can fester under the negative pole of Stubbornness -Obstinance, which can lead to closedmindedness and fixation in stupidity. It continues to putrefy and sour one’s heart, then the environment itself, under the hegemony of Young Soul worship of power. And to be specific, that power is sustained by greater thuggery in militarism or mob-violence, the hoarding and acquisition of material resources (through the vehicle of money), and lastly the powerlessness of homo sapiens to “wake up” and overcome their unconscious-reactive animal programming. Baby Souls follow a strongman leader so they know their place in the hierarchy. That is why many deny/abdicate free will and are so willingly controlled. For Baby Souls, security trumps freedom in actual practice even, as their words may deny it.

The Goals of 2022 are both Expression Axis orientation of Discrimination/Rejection (Ordinal which means a more personal scope or situational concerns), then in July shifting to Acceptance/Inclusion (Exalted, which means where/what/who do you have allegiance to in a group sense).  What this means simply is that you will have to make up your mind on your own, include or exclude what and who you must, and then lay any doubt to rest coming to Acceptance, through a process that is necessary but may not feel peaceful. Attachments to long held beliefs, thought of as Ideals or Values, as mentioned earlier, can go easily but generally do not. The aspect of Acceptance necessary for this will be to allow the feelings of mourning for lost innocence. Self-forgiveness for any perceived defeats is essential! Indeed, Idealism in the negative pole aspires to innocence and giving way to mental “wishful thinking.” The positive pole combines principle tempered in actual possibility that generates the energy to sustain hope. Yet just because something is possible does not mean it is probable. That realization is the product of a positive pole of Intellectual Center. It can produce an accurate assessment of a situation but not necessarily a plan to achieve your desired schemed or outcome. Blindness to this fact or need to selectively force it falls into the negative pole of thinking called rationalization.

Power Mode (+Authority -Oppression) is typified this year. For a person to translate their life force vitality into meaningful output one need only fight for who or what they love, no great philosophical credo of belief is necessary. Hence, we place this period under the heading of an Energy emphasis. You will feel the compulsion to act in accordance with it and what “truth” is emerging will come clearer the more you focus upon Love and not the rejection of what you are afraid of, or “what you don’t want.” Productive doing will generate its own Energy in the form of forward momentum. Lean into life and push!

The Attitudes of Spiritualist then Idealist

Spiritualist energy compels one to feel for inspiration. The Moving Center Spiritualist of the first six months of 2022 is likely to have people wanting to do almost anything for a rush of personal meaning. The two together in a Warrior year can seem impetuous but in the positive poles of Verification and Productivity, one can start on a new course with a degree of renewed faith in life or their own abilities. In that combination of the negative poles, one confronts where they are wasting energy on the superficial. With the Chief Features in play, a person may resort to damaging behaviors and retreat into depression. Using these Overleaves for yourself suggests you take a calculated risk and stay the course until you have reach a milestone.  Then either go further or abandon efforts if they proved unworkable. But start! One way to have an inner directiveness is to notice downloads of ideas or directions that emerge during your dream periods: asleep or daydreams. They can guide you in ways that enters the mind through imagination and not the cognitive invention or analysis. Each are useful but the former is more active during the Spiritualist period and the latter is favored during the Idealist segment of the last half of 2022. You can learn useful distinctions under the Discrimination goal and have those categories more precisely available to you for the rest of your life. That process of being clear about the sources of input and reception of them are a vital aspect in the emergent Mature Soul/Scholar Paradigm. Greater awareness translates into greater Knowledge. The world of Humans and the Planet Earth itself NEED new ideas.

During the Idealist and Intellectual Centering period in the second half of the year, when the positive poles work in unison of +Coalescence and +Contemplation, no one gets to default to dumbed-downed or off-the-cuff or fall-back platitudes. Cognitive Intelligence is seen in one’s behavior not just how many facts you know or how clever you are. You will have to be able to defend your position with reason. Reasoning was first assigned to the negative pole of Intellectual Center before updating it to the selective and avoiding nature of Rationalization. Reason: deductive, inductive leading to abductive or reasoned inference; are useful methods when done with rigor and honest appraisal of facts. The Mind, by design, analyzes data and circumstances and responds to ideas or situations. Your choice is to respond with some level of self-composed authority, and not just spewing imprinted aphorisms or beliefs. It is the function of gathering facts and placing them in accurate relationship to one another. The stresses of Discrimination Goal include compelling one to reject that which cannot be justified. And the Spiritualist Attitude can support this +Verification by causing a vibration of clear resonance to echo in your mind. In other words, beliefs and facts may come into conflict unless the latter can be shown to substantiate the former.

An Old Soul spiritual warrior, Dan Millman, would tell you that instead of battle – a spiritual warrior fights their own instinct to self-deceive to protect their precious illusions. The positive pole Warrior feels the courage to acknowledge out loud “I don’t know.” They become brave and level determination when they then seek to find out for themselves, and not just shrug their shoulders or muscle over and dismiss their lack of knowledge as “it’s not important.” Be strategic in your use of time and resources because “knowledge is power” and the best defense against attack is counter with facts not speculation, or worse – fear that you don’t know.

Some will confront themselves while others will thrash about and lash out. A Mind trapped in its own fraudulent beliefs, denying – but feeling the dissonance of such an imbalance, will go to the negative pole of Martyrdom and wail the battle cry of the hostile victim of “how dare you” or “you made me do it.” Yet, when a subjugated person or those without means to power like a hostage, child, elderly, prisoner, physically meek, or oppressed minority is being threatened with injustice, assault, or death, they do have a valid claim to assert victimization. But in the psychological realm of the mob mentality, 80% of the time it is merely a mantra justifying their unaccounted-for fear, and thus a warped permission to express hatred.

Such was the case in 2021’s Capitol Insurrection. Rioters maintained their victimhood to a “system of government” while not wanting to be held accountable for their own violence and declaring they were given permission (from Trump or on-High), is an idealized fantasy version of patriotism. Then, they claim some “duty” as a defense to be excused of wrong-doing. Their lives were not threatened, only their sense of entitlement as being white, right (wing), and adherence to old masculine patriarchal privilege. They were manipulated to believe their grievances were legitimate while never having to put life, limb or property on the line, as do real patriots; as did the Capitol police officers who bravely, and with restraint, tried to repel the rioters. Genuine insurrectionist usually have a principal they follow. Those persons acted with drunken enjoyment of a besotted mob at a sporting event. As proof of this assertion, many believed they should be “free” to go home and have dinner afterwards. Mock warfare is a dangerous expression of burgeoning aggression. It is a rehearsal of what they want to do next. Instead, these folks must be seen as having fear of loss but also the immaturity to not know how to redress those grievances. Children must be held accountable.

In 2022, this compressed feelings of victimhood fueled by the manipulations of a Power Elite (so-called Plutocracy) will again throw this minority of mob hostiles into action. Not just in the US, but in Brazil, China, Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, and Nicaragua, all of whom are wrestling with authoritarianism trying to undermine democracy.

Most Warriors like the “strong man” leader because it issues orders to be followed (King Archetypes), hopefully competent ones, and does not have the messy negotiations and half-victories that are common in the exchange of democracy. The Baby/Young Soul wants the security of overpowering victory and a crushed opposition; seeing them as “enemies” instead of co-participants.  The strenuous requirement of the Mature Soul form of coexistence that is the foundation of inclusive democracy seems too difficult to the selfish assessments of those who feel superior and entitled even as they worry that they are actually helpless. Many an average person will take the flight/freeze approach of either denial or retreat. For the TAO neither is a morally right or wrong choice; one just favors experience through inaction rather than the push-back action of fight. For Personality, more specifically the socially imprinted Ego, may hold one with valor or shame; also a choice but one that is largely unconscious to those who are at effect of them.

Not all fights must be violent. But in an intellectual-verbal exchange can be vociferous and accusatory (i.e. weaponized narratives). The mind, rather than the fists, and ballots rather than bullets, are the chosen instruments in the battle over principles. So, if you are going to use words, load them with verifiable facts instead of just insults or accusations. And learn to cast off your Ego amour and quell the sting of name-calling. An insult never left a broken bone, opened a wound from whence you bled, or physically damaged you in any meaningful way…unless you believed them! It was Old Soul Server Eleanor Roosevelt, who eloquently distilled the mature self-accountability about taking offense by reminding us, “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” This year it will be necessary to no longer be silent or conciliatory it will be necessary to place responsibility, sometimes in anger, where it belongs. It is necessary to stop the progression of unchecked aggression and lies by directly refuting them and laying bare their falsehood. It is time to take the momentum away from shouting and insults and place it back with blunt facts and direct confrontation of accountability. Yours or someone elses; that is the Warrior way! It is meeting aggression or accusation with strength.

easily-offended-easily-manipulatedSince the Homo Sapien animal structure of the Ego has the imbued reliance upon hierarchy or pecking order (caste system for human societies), which is present in all species, it interprets insult reactively as an attack. Loss of face means dropping down in the viability in the food chain (i.e. public esteem or privilege). Harness that animal with your human Warrior self-control and you might not “win” a fight, but you will preserve your self-respect and let any opponent know your will not cower. Yet, if someone’s words ring a chord of an unsavory truth about yourself, or it psychically wounds you, IT IS YOU who must address the issue within you. That is the integrity of the Warrior nature.

Distinguishing Idealist from Spiritualist

Some of our Students have questioned us about the finer distinctions between the Attitudes of Idealist and Spiritualist. As is any of the Attitudes, they are a frame of reference, a contextual filter, that an Essence equips a human mind with as the primary set of precepts and methods, for considering ideas and seeking to make them relevant. The negative poles of course, are “blind spots” or biases that go unnoticed or unchecked and therefore unaccounted for in one’s considerations.

The two are similar in that they are Exalted or Cardinal perspectives. Exalted in the context of 2022 and yearly Overleaves, tends to emphasize that your attention be focused outward into the external world, how you interact with others, and not as readily directed internally. They require one to take a more wide-angle global overview or psychologically expansive view of concerns.

These distinctions between the Inspirational Spiritualist and the Expression Idealist are differences of how they arrive at and evaluate meaning.

The Spiritualist draws inspiration from what it perceives, not as thoughts but as revelations. The name portends the source…from spirit. Whereas the Idealist derives its views from its own mind, reasoned from the Self. Yet, principles can be as sacred to the Idealist as any epiphany to the Spiritualist. For the Personality, this distinction is crucial since handing-off to revelation one’s own ideas to spirit is a form of Ego deception and lack of self-accountability. The same is true of elevating the notion of Essence to some superior supernatural status instead of accepting the reality that regardless of the genesis or genius of your idea, it rests with you to ignore or implement. It is about the Physical Plane you are here to learn! And not to attribute some superior notions to the metaphysical. That is part of the Maya that you are here to see beyond.

Expression orientation is motivated by Intellect seeking to have justification; a statement which provides a platform to declare one’s rationale. In contrast, the Spiritualist rests validation on feeling and thus only those factors which lend further emotional support to what one holds as true. Both may think themselves as, or be labeled by others as, visionaries, but in both cases each may reach a conclusion either based of limited information (-Naivete) or a need to hold onto something that have emotional sentiment (-Credulity).

In times to come, it is important to know the distinction and not revel or regret. Truth requires understanding. Love is the Truth for which all spiritual and personal growth aspires. In 2022, your best source of courage is to be ruthless in pursuit of the truth and be willing to confront lies spun in fear which preserve the inequality of power, that Evil itself, seeks to preserve.

Dealing with Stress

WORK HARD! The more you physically exert at any given task, breathe deeply, use your muscles, stretch your limbs, will engage your endurance for use in any activity. You can employ a stationary bike, treadmill, or weight machine, or lift objects with repetition. The more one uses their body, the more one will reduce cortisol and adrenaline (stress hormones) and thus sleep more deeply and have more solid emotional balance. While always a useful suggestion, it is particularly helpful in dealing with the inordinate amount of intellectually-generated confusion happening now combined with the feelings of overwhelm.

Time periods of Soul Age evolution, like now, which usher in social, economic, political and in this paradigm shift also environmental catastrophe, a high stress response signals that your nervous system is healthy and reacting to an emergency situation appropriately. You cannot prevent a paradigm shift, but you can confront the stress it produces in you and channel it into helping shape the form of the new emergent paradigm.

Spiritual Hacks for your Psyche

“I am still committed to the idea that the ability to think
for one’s self depends upon one’s mastery of the language.”
Joan Didion,
Slouching Towards Bethlehem (1968)

Like in 2022, Joan Didion herself was a Sage Cast Warrior. The prize winning author and social commentator who died last month was slight in body, but mighty in spirit and bold and definitive in observations. Her statement regarding language, and by extension the narratives they form, is the key factor in the enlightenment of an individual and a species that relies upon the Intellectual Center: Mind and Voice.

Humans learn and expand their understanding of everything: physical objects, material processes, emotional states, and especially describing one’s inner landscape to another, by description. With language you create abstractions that help give nuanced experience description, these are termed thought-forms. Concepts grow from these, and they lay foundation of awareness which leads to knowledge. Sentience is the ability to feel, and sense personal existence, but does not require the ability to have knowledge. Homo Sapiens are moving from sentience into true humanity which means sapience. Sapience is self-awareness and cognitive invention leading to the ability to think, reason and imagine. All are fundamentally rooted in the use of language to build the abstractions of thought-forms.

In the era of misinformation, disinformation, and dumbing-down of verbiage or increasingly vague obfuscating ideas, the necessity to employ a Sage’s desire to disseminate and be eloquent with a Warrior’s necessity to be precise, concise and to the point is a crucial combination. Learn language, read more thoroughly, actively contemplate ideas, test your understanding.

Begin to Focus on Vibration

Raising your VibrationThough these two words are often used synonymously, our concept of Vibration and Frequency are NOT interchangeable!  Frequency is a quantifiable pace or rate that your senses register inputs or events as hurried or dragging, driven or stagnant, or fast or slow. By contrast, Vibration is a qualitative measure that associates with it gravity, density, significance, lightness or, spaciousness, and possibility. Notice the first implies speed while the second implies emotional weight. Some philosophically expansive ideas can trigger fear of losing the familiar and produce and inner conflict; and yet still be of higher vibration because they are congruent and resonate integrity of structure. Thus, we are asking you to pay special attention to your Moving Center and Higher Moving Center and sharpen your sensitivity and detection. Parse whatever input you are exposed to and notice the vibration of it. The higher the vibration something is, the more it contains or offers an opening or opportunity for increased vitality, but not always an immediate “good feeling.” But it might be to let go, or engage, even when fear tells you otherwise. The lower the vibration of something, you are being alerted to something immediate and dreading, degenerating of your vitality, or revealing where you are stagnating.

One of the simplest ways to experience vibration with your physical reactions is to notice homeopathic responses from your body when it comes in contact with various substances. My struggles with food and weight have caused me to explore my sensory apparatus (body) and developed it to notice that when I merely hold, let alone put in my mouth, a substance that my body does not want or produces a certain effect, it reacts with immediate feedback. Holding sugar or heavily sweetened foods I actually experience itchy-tingling in my skin and sometimes an agitation in my nerves. If I am about to eat processed food I often feel myself have a burp or fart just by holding it. The smell of coffee can amp me up even before I drink any. And alcohol can drop a blanket of calming numbness and make me aware of what I am trying to escape or suppress. Many of you have encountered these phenomena more precisely if you have ever had applied kinesiology aka muscle testing. Your body system’s electrical field is either strengthened or short-circuited by the presence of a substance. And indeed, even the vibration of the unconscious thoughts and beliefs can trigger similar muscle responses. Like everything you can learn these by simply paying more attention and noticing your own effects.

Climate Change, Earth, Food and Power

The Collective Moving Center is material existence; Terra Firma, Earth. So when you speak of “earth changes” you are speaking about the collective body upon which you all depend. It is not in good health. It is being overworked, overheated and subject to vast swings in conditions…and it is losing its capacity for life. This Truth is now measurable and undeniable, though many afraid and greedy people do just that and even deny it is happening at all!

What most people fail to understand is that Climate Change itself is secondary to another more vital and pressing issue seldom being discussed: the destruction, exhaustion, or loss of airable soils. While the arid and flooded areas of the planet continue to further expand one key issue for human survival is the amount of farmland available for food production. Little is being reported, or apparently considered, that with declining ocean fisheries, and an ever growing population, that at some point the Earth is tapped out. No matter how smart humans believe they are, as a species, the vast majority are distracted by the theatre of the absurd provided by the 1% who own, or direct, most of the production resources. Increased winds, droughts, and floods will all have their impact diminishing food supplies. And, the ability to take from “the wild places” is shrinking, and many are feeling it instinctively, and quietly freaking out. The effects of which are happening within 3rd world countries, while so-called Capitalist or 1st world countries buy up remaining stocks and inflate prices. This should be a signal to those who realize that income distribution has little to do with actual work and more to do with power.

Systems Awareness – Human Created vs. Nature Evolved

  • Weather is NOT Climate – Climate is the Container – Weather is the content in it at any given moment.
  • Facing Overpopulation: either self-regulate or war, attrition, and disease will do it for you.
  • Economic Systems are human created and managed. Each one: Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Barter all aim to determine where to allocate resources and how to distribute them. These are choices not written in stone. One vital place of invention will be to modify economic distribution systems and stop pretending that God rewards the rich. We do by default.
  • Mutual Species Dependency – Human technology cannot replace nature. Bees and other pollinating species can be killed by pesticides but no machines or trick of science could ever replace them.
  • The modern industrial food system is polluting land, often loses water wastefully to evaporation because of outmoded irrigation techniques and distribution methods, and loses top soil to erosion due to overuse of tilling. Also the conversion of farm land into real estate developments reduces the area for crop production.

The Monetization of Everything has made humans Selfish Nihilists

Monetizing EverythingNever before have humans put so much emphasis on “worth” – and in doing so made “money”, in all its forms, and its accumulation (wealth) into the real object of worship. In doing so, they’ve created an abstraction – money – to be some mystical great equalizer which in actuality does exactly the opposite. The complete victory of monetization (assigning everything a $$$ amount, supposedly its value) has stricken every sacred concept from turning homes into houses to flip, livelihood into wages, and meaningful work into mere employment. This disillusionment is coming to a halt as people begin to witness the devastating effects of the disconnect with real means and ends: homelessness, extreme income inequality, and social decay. Most of these are atributable to the fact that wealth is hidden and those people don’t pay valid amounts to taxes. (Taxes are merely the way that people proportionately contribute to a collective effort called society and the vehicle which stabilizes it – called a government.) The effect those financial imbalances are shifted onto the planet – as her base line resources are taken at “rock bottom prices” and resold at “top dollar.” While the waste products of consumerism (plastics are the worst) are dumped into the ecological environment creating overwhelming toxicity, further habitat destruction, and thus the extinction of countless species and cultures. This is simple arithmetic! But very large numbers. Like the pandemic deaths.

As 2022 begins, the greatest worry for most is their creature comforts and their pensions. While the love of Capitalism (which is a Young Soul arena where the Warriors of competition can simulate battle with victories and defeats by making money instead of killing), the long run history of the system is one of producing division of peoples and destruction of the planet. The rise of a few at the cost of the many. In modern times, this has been driven by the “American Dream” ideal which only works within the narrow confines of land or resources previously unowned to be claimed or captured.

But, monetizing everything results in most people being shifted away from self-sufficiency and the ability to acquire food directly, or get resources from the earth or from their own labors. It has created much opportunity when “jobs” were made available, but it put a greater dependency upon money. As such, the growth of credit and debt have made up for the difference of what a person can earn from their labors and the prices set by the owners of capital. A Debt society creates a Caste System and a larger proportion of modern humans are virtually enslaved to their debt. But if they cannot get credit, they are abandoned and are relegated to the ranks of the indigent and desperate. (The term refugee comes from the word for refuse or waste.) They are easy social targets to blame and hate. Then as they are deprived of rights (they can’t vote without an address), services and stripped of dignity, immersed in immense hopelessness and despair; it can become a cauldron for seething rage or utter collapse. Now, more than ever, free yourself from debt by paying it down or not using it at all.

In a Warrior-Sage year exert your power and haggle everything! You might as well test your negotiation skills. Threatened payment defaults will make others more pliable and receptive to making deals.

Cryptocurrencies reveal how distorted and destructive human dependence on non-backed monetary instruments. They are unregulated, can be completely a scam, and have no relationship to any material processes of production or cost – they are merely roving algorithms on the Internet using various means of “mining” digital assets. It is a sophisticated, clever and corrupt means of widening the income distribution gap between the wealthy who can afford to gamble and the working class and poor who cannot. It is a new version of a Ponzi Scheme. Some may have been lucky in the short-run but in the long run it is merely 0 & 1’s that people want to believe are real.

The Power of Evil – Overwhelming us with Distractions and Indulgences

To ascribe the concept of Evil to the supernatural is to completely disregard the deranged psychosis or neurosis that is associated with destructive human behavior. In the extreme negative poles of all the Chief Features, evil is fear compounded and compressed into a malignant mass that is poisonous as any cancer, and often just as hidden until too late. It can be very difficult to eradicate without strict regimen of healing and sometimes blunt and invasive action. As a metaphor it is foreboding.

By our definition, Evil is a product of the Ego in negative extremes facilitated by the Mind of an emotionally suppressed and highly rationalized automaton. Evil feeds on Power, it lusts for it. We seldom use the term evil, but in the interest of bluntness and understanding, we would assign it polarities of +seductive and -malevolence. Remember however, Evil can be charming, highly clever, knowledgeable, cunning and not simply vile or grotesque. In fact, Evil is usually seen as a very fashionable force in society and attracts many suck ups to the seductively potent. Yes, as a force, Evil is always counterproductive to human evolution. Even if it may sometimes facilitate hard lessons from its aftermath.

Yet an individual Essence will most likely engage in lives that play with that force and receive the consequences from it. TAO does not judge, it only categorizes experience and the knowledge derived from it. It is a choice possible at every level of existence: Essence, Personality, and Ego. All one has to do to participate in evil (not necessarily BE evil) is to turn away from sharing love or caring for life and the living.

Parasitism is the stock and trade of villainy (evil in action). It lives off the life of others to sustain its own, only propping up its host, other, for as long as it needs them. In the means-end philosophical debate, people and object are treated merely as means to their ends, and not respecting any of the ends (right to live) of the other. In the extreme it can be slavery or more, Hannah Ardent called it the banality of evil, where one numbly turns away from the process and passively allows it to continue, or is even caught up in benefitting from the byproducts of evil deeds. Many Germans gained improved livelihoods when Jews property was made available and other profited off of labor from captives in the Concentration Camps. This whole process was portrayed in the movie Schindler’s List.

Evil is at an apex in human (un) consciousness. The energies are not only present this year, but the rest of this decade and indeed decades to come as the fight against systemic evil, and the evil of malicious obedience in institutions and individuals, make it a daily consideration to give into the fear which sustains evil’s existence. For an outline of the complex nature and subtleties of evil one need go no further than to read the Divine Comedy commonly specified as Dante’s Inferno, which describes of the 9 Circles of Hell. And though we use Hell allegorically, not a place but a state, the descriptions of human attitudes are trenchant and should serve as illustrations of how easily it is to be caught in fear-based delusion that enable evil. It is best you become aware of the multifaceted nature of both Love and Evil. No one has to be perfect, but everyone needs increased awareness of conscious and accountable choice.

 24/7 Surveillance State (Is Here and Has Been for 20 years)

Traffic cameras, doorbells, computer cameras, every form of social media, your cell phone GPS, ATM and credit cards, family sharing apps, CCTV, drones, let alone military satellites with capacity for close-up infrared viewing and ultra-sensitive eavesdropping capacities render any argument about implanted tracking devices inserted during a vaccination, ridiculous! You are already being tracked! The 24/7 Surveillance State is here to stay. Facial recognition software, capturing your image on Facebook and other social media platforms, driver’s license and passport photos, Zoom, Skype and Facebook transmissions, render any sense of anonymity a fraud. And, because you have been conditioned to be more fearful of your fellow humans (crime rates have largely gone down in the US and across the world), many of you have allowed, even passively supported, being watched in the name of your own security.

And, with the growth of memberships and subscriptions, with goodness knows how many usernames and passwords you are supposed to remember, you are more liable than ever for having your identity stolen and are expected to carry some sort of insurance to protect yourself against fraud that is enabled by the system one cannot “opt-out” of. You pay for your own “protection” because the Internet is not secure and all that software is profitable to its producers.

 COVID and the Pandemic

COVID, as a disease expression of SARS virus will significantly abate in 2022 and become endemic. Herd immunity will not have been reached, but a significant portion of many societies will have psychologically incorporated the continued number of deaths into the background of acceptable losses, and largely choose to ignore them. VAD’s (vaxxed and done) is a growing segment of the population whose emotional exhaustion to the pandemic is “I’m so over it” that they will advance movement to a “new normal” and lobby to have restrictions lifted. But masking is a habit now adopted world-wide and that will become a permanent fixture into individual behavior and social customs.

Formal vs Informal Procedures and Ways of Speaking

One of the ways that Homo Sapiens simians have evolved human culture was to invent formal ideas using their Intellect (the prefrontal lobes). All progress imposed upon Nature by people have come about by the imposition of standards and institutions which brought some imagined structure and uniformity to the way persons interacted and how they could create and recreate. All systems are built on formal structures. Not knowing how a system really works is often because one is not educated about methods of critical thinking within, or the design of processes or institutions, under which they live.

Implied in this distinction is the notion of structured rules or procedures and official titles and designated authority and function vs free-flowing, intimate,  unofficial and back channel ways of doing things. Formal (critical) thinking, defined rules, and rigor of practices reflect Masculine Energy influences needed to erect structure. Whereas, Informal embodies free associations, imagination, spontaneity, passive (habitual) actions. Informal ways of communicating or steps to follow may be more simply or provincially expressed as short cuts, but their colloquial nature means they can lose adherence to, and sometimes in the absence of oversight, consistency of notions or objective. That is why following formal protocols, legal regulations, weights and measures, workplace rules and procedures, safety guidelines, written laws, rules of etiquette, and standards of competence for the purpose of licensure or awarding degrees, are so vital to the interaction of human beings and systems. (Do you want your local butcher doing brain surgery on you?) Neither condition of formal or informal is a “good or bad” “right or wrong” type of moral stricture on its own. Instead your knowledge of the differences (+Discrimination) when you are involved in a formal or informal circumstance will strengthen your ability to respond to situations appropriately. Realize how this spectrum of disciplined thought-forms and behaviors can assist people coming into consciousness and out from unconsciously habituated patterns transferred through socialization, family traditions, or genetic imprints. Tightening up your grasp of what worldly doctrines are and how they have affected you can help you to have more options to choose from. With options comes liberation…and accountability.

In a Warrior year like this, learning formal structures like “chain of command”, “applicable laws” “rank and privilege” “duty and consequence” enables you to call out when anyone is trying to finagle an outcome by skirting rules, procedures, common courtesy, or use sloppy thinking to defend a point. (Use your turn indicators when you drive is a simple, formal courtesy that can save lives and reduce tensions on the roadways.)

Learn formal systems and processes and then find out the informal ins-and-outs. Sometimes it is using proper and precise speech instead of resorting to informal or sloppy slang or euphemisms. In either case, learn the ropes and the loopholes. You will be better off for knowing both. More often one can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat if you are clear of the differences.

An Energy Year Utilizes Choice: Love with Determination, Defend Truth with Love

Love weakens Evil because Love cannot be controlled, only manipulated or denied. Truth, Love and Energy are the three intertwined qualities that comprise the unity of the TAO. To aspire toward Love one need only move toward sensations of higher vibration emanating from circumstances, ideas, and emotions that more resemble Truth and which enables a sense of liberation from pretense. Love in this is a state of Being in which you can feel the interconnectedness of things, sense more than a romantic or paternalistic emotions of pleasure, or things you are biased toward, or approve of. Love acts upon Truth; and in that pairing – Energy is generated. It does not mean fear disappears. It means fear is seen for what it is, an imposter, a hinderance to action, a disconnection from Source. You are being asked to act in ways contrary to your default programming and speak to and with others, sometimes in challenge! Silence is interpreted as compliance and capitulation. Speak up if you disagree.

Epilogue: Who wrote this commentary and why it may matter?

In a world where ideas and their issuers may trigger an emotional response, it seems fitting to address each in turn. My profession is Channeling the Collective (non-physical) Entity known as Michael’s Consortium. Over the last two decades they have indicated to me that we, the Consortium and I, are collaborators. That their first efforts are to expand my awareness and advance my illumination (light) so that I might enjoy the beauty of life first-hand without the embellishments, or requirements toward rationalizations, that many spiritual teachings proffer.

I’ve had to become a mature adult (not just a grown-up) and more open to non-physical realities but also accept the more difficult aspects of living a physical plane existence with all its trials and tribulations. Whether I’ve “succeeded” or not, I won’t know completely until I am on the other side of life. I can only say that I hold my little life as precious to me and have deeper appreciation for those I love and who share love with me. Not always easy.

It is from that vibration that I write and channel. Every word on these pages are most likely NOT delivered verbatim from “on-high” or Channeled; but the ideas and examples that have been provided by me, have been allowed and affirmed as congruent to the Mission of the Consortium: to expand truth by exploring facts of the Reality. You may devalue what has been shared here as being lowly, mundane, to negative, or simply unspiritual, but I completely own that these are my opinions based in observations and synthesized under their tutelage. So, if you need to disregard any of what I’ve written for the reasons I’ve stated, I respect your right to do so. But you might ask yourself: “Why do I do so?” The motives underneath your answers may help reveal yourself to yourself. In either case, my and their missions would have been accomplished.

May you all experience more love as you discover more important truths about yourselves and in that expansionary experience an exhilaration of energy to live your life more fully and contribute to the collective well-being more willingly. Happy New Year.

                                                All the best, Stephen Cocconi ©2022
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