Jan 102023

Part 1 – 2023 Overleaves and Interpretation

Part 2 – 2023 Overleaves – Audience Q&A


View 2023 Overleaves Presentation PDF Slide Presentation

(Intro Play Draggin the Line by Tommy James and the Shandels) 

Remember Last quarter Warrior Year 2022, we said,
“Understand you are in networks.”
How have you been firming them, growing them, contracting them, or even making an effort to know you are in one?

Introduction to This Presentation and Discussion Points Therein

Well, here it is, 2023, the 4th Year in the Beginning of the Beginning Era of the Mature Soul Paradigm, now the Middle of the Beginning. As a time of transition, you can expect the destabilization that change brings as a time of growing instability, uncertainty, variability, on the planet and in the ‘world’ manufactured and erected by homo sapiens-humans. Many of the systems of nature have revealed the ephemeral, incoherent, non-aligned and relative characteristics of Man created systems, via institutions; with those of NATURE and systems embedded in physical biochemical laws. Those distortions will yield what many will call Chaos. In actuality, it is reactions already stimulated by human acts.

The scope of what you read below, for those unfamiliar with the Michael Teaching terminology, might seem somewhat unclear of context, but the traditional word labels alone should be sufficient for at least cursory understanding of these messages.

The PowerPoint presentation that complements the recordings (converted to PDF) may be downloaded and followed along with if you care to do so for more rich visual reference.

Rather than waste time and energy guessing at the thousands of possibilities that might occur under this energy umbrella, we are providing a set of intellectual lenses through which you can peer at the events in the world and realize that forces of Chaos and Complexity are converging at a time of Systems alteration, adjustment, and in some cases collapse. In an effort to supply some emotional levity and historic meme, this period could be as characterized as “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride”

Fear on planet Earth is at an all-time high because radical changes have pushed to environmental and sociological tipping-points. The major frame-of-reference to hold all the comments herein is a fairly straightforward, though challenging one: DO NOT REACT TO FEAR WITH MORE FEAR. Said in a way to underscore the animal nature of homo sapien biology, but also being-consciousness; is to remember that your species is DESIGNED to protect you from danger with alerts from fear. BUT, the consciousness as a being, has the potential to CHOOSE a response, rather than simply viscerally act from flight, fight, or freeze! Remember this overarching edification in this year of Scholarly study and information gathering and sorting.

While terror is said to be the main motivator that moves Old Souls to learn, and by extension alter or change something to cope, it need not be the only one. Courage is the other! The main difference is simply: being attentive to facts, accurately anticipate probabilities and then act proactively. In contrast, many instead will be passive of investigating facts or numbed and distracted by scripted beliefs, and thus fall into reactivity usually resorting to their primary ego defenses for a perceived safe haven. Doing so is NOT A SIN in any religious sense, it simply means that a person/social group may be regressed into some conceived set of automatic behaviors which perpetuate, not confront, the challenges before them. A condition that is at the heart of your CHOICE as an Essence trying to evolve or simply as an Ego fearing its own demise. Survival is not a SIN. We mention SIN, because translated into an emotional states, we are referring to a profoundly difficult aspect of fear: SHAME. Shame stifles life-force but it can also produce the kind of internal angst that makes an Ego hide from itself. If we keep hiding our individual power because of the impetus of shame (or, “I’m not worthy”), then the species will collapse under the weight of its own inertia. And, it will bring the planet down with them!

Listening to the recording and then reading this article may likely activate different reactions. Not because the information is different, but because listening to the sound and inflection of another person’s voice triggers different parts of the brain than reading which is your own internal voice. Notice: how do your reactions differ? Paying attention to the differences in emotional reactions and the conclusions they generate are in alignment with the spiritual maturation process described in this next 12 month period. But notice too if those differences produce some cognitive dissonance within you. That can be the signal of a deeply held belief in resistance to review. Be neutral and truthful in this evaluation. If you condemn yourself for the distortion with shame or self-blame, or of the speaker, nothing beneficial will result from it.

2023 Overleaves

Role: Scholar

Casting: Sage

Axis Energy: Assimilative

Realm – Techno

  1. The perception of time will vary greatly. Those with the greatest awareness will be able to use it wisely. Those locked into habits and unwilling to examine beliefs will fall into disarray and extreme emotional
  2. Beware of automation, conformity, digitalization, and the reduction of your humanity to uniformity, programming, numbers or creative outlets that are presented to you as “entertainment” instead of the inventive process of making your own fun and joy.
  3. Increase in physiological stress pushing the brain to the limit.
  4. Perpetual “on-ness” and no “off-switch”. In both the literal and metaphoric conditions of that situation,

Goal: Flow – Slide to Discrimination, Reevaluation (More elimination and contraction shrinking and discovering what is essential) (Examine where and why you delay)

Attitude: Cynic +Pole Debate, Argument, Contradiction = Remember that everything is variable. Question the context. – Pole = Derision, Denigration, Confrontation, Dismissal. When emotions are high hate will be evident.

Mode: Observation – Slides to Passion/Reservation (Emotionally driven or stifled)

Negative Pole is Surveillance – Are you a voyeur or bystander?

Chief Features: Stubbornness & Self-Deprecation

  • Slides to Arrogance – Jan through May Presumption of dignity and the Ego need to hide from external embarrassment but more directly hide from inner shame triggers
  • Slides to Impatience – May through August
  • Slides to Self-Deprecation – September – January –

Centering: Intellectual/ Emotion Part – Where and why are you triggered to take offense?

With Chief Feature – Become more aware of background emotions attached to one part of aspect of your character or event in your life does not overly generalize into all other parts of your life.

Being to see anger as not a flaw of rage or violence, but fuel of resolve to redress or resolve intolerable situations.

Body Type: Lunar and Health Care – Bodies, especially in the vital organs, are beginning to fall apart.

Masculine/Feminine Ratio: 27/73

High Feminine Energy is crucial for Compassion. Many aggressive agendas will fail to succeed because they lack the coldness of masculine resolve. Putin will continue to struggle.

Frequency: 61

Platform Theme: Review of Freedom and Limits – Responsibility and (what it means to you – How do you engage it, abdicate it, misunderstand it, and employ it for furthering one’s agenda.

Differences between Essence/Spiritual Freedom, Personality/Intellectual Liberation – Open Mindedness, Ego/Physical – Prerogative/Choice/Indulgence vs. Scarcity/Restriction/Shortage

Explored through the Dominant Monads: Master/Slave and Hidden/Disclosed

Individual Themes
  • System vs Individual -A system CAN victimize you. Differences in POWER are often huge. But you do not have to lay down in defeat. Defeat means stopping, giving in, collapsing, no use of Will but the voluntary relinquish yourself (-Self Deprecation).
  • Re-create – Flow is also called Relaxation – Thus it is very important to make whatever task you engage in as fun as possible! The Sage energy cover will coax the Scholar learner to find enjoyment in even the most tedious tasks.
  • The Power of Music, Sound and Voice
    • Singing is an important practice of hearing your own voice, listening to your own tone (doesn’t matter if you are ‘tone deaf’), but also breathing deeper to raise your vibration.
    • In a Sage Year, speaking, rather than texting or email, is the MOST powerful way to communicate. Telling Facts, simply and unvarnished not hatefully, (+Cynic) is the most necessary means of making the transmission of knowledge useful. Let it come acknowledging but not necessarily dumping the emotions onto someone else.
  • The loss of cursive (hand) writing. The first expression of a unique signature. Look to battles over book burning and education curriculums.
  • Notice and then reevaluate your culturally associated “group identity.”
    1. What groups have you been assigned to? How much have you acquiesced to those characteristics? Raise your awareness by finding out.
  • Music and Mathematics represent the positive/expansionary/beneficial aspects of this realm. While, automation, system dominance, synchronization, and digitalization represent the contractive and dehumanizing (because the de-create)
A Year to Liberate or Frustrate Old Souls
  1. 2023 can feel like a year of terror or amazement.
  2. If you don’t deal with your shit, your shit deals with you.
  3. Convenience lessens Attention.
  4. Convenience is an addiction to creature comforts.
  5. Pleasure is Fine, Satisfaction is Better, Joy is the embrace of it all including pain and inconvenience as part of the Passion Play here on Earth and the Physical Plane
    – Learn about the power of Neural Transmitters and the brain.
  6. Hope Addiction is the worst of the modern era. Chasing it or rejecting it produces extreme reactions.
  7. Setting Context and Scope of a Problem – Use Flow>Discrimination the deconstruct problems but also to make stages and steps for your plans.
  8. Knowledge of Words and Metaphors can help expand the mind to lead to an opening and then greater understanding of the metaphysical world. Without them, spiritual experience remains mysterious, frightening and even shut out by dogmas.
  9. Use your mind to research facts (Scholar) and discuss your ideas with others.(Sage)
10 Things to Do in 2023
  1. Read More – Particularly History, Health, and Stories about the Future
  2. Change all your passwords – Online identity is more easily hacked than ever.
  3. Become aware of your use of time, how you experience boredom,
  4. Make sure to laugh, play, recreate, unplug and go within regularly.
  5. Do a web search on your name and see what is out there
  6. Make an Identities List – Sets and subsets – Realize how many parts of your psyche function simultaneously to express your Overleaves.
    1. Race identified with?
    2. Language identified with?
    3. Gender identified with?
    4. Age bracket and generation?
    5. Political standing? – Liberal, Conservative, Independent, Libertarian, Socialist, Communist, Authoritarian, Monarchist, etc?
    6. Economic standard of living?
    7. What do you think about yourself because of your credit score? Check it.
    8. What religious or spiritual practices do you relate to?
    9. When you think of your Soul Age, it what ways do you perceive it makes you different or sets you apart?
  7. Disengage your willingness to feel insulted, feel slighted, victimized i.e. “take offense”
  8. Realize where you have leakages of your money or resources. Then plug them! Genuine economic shortage is not the same as emotional insecurity about your security or enoughness. Many have been so emotional charged by the fears of ‘not enough’ that many have compensated with ruthless acquisition and engorging consumption. Both of which have been terribly detrimental (though common under the Young Soul belief in Greed as a motivator) to realizing that satisfaction comes from within, not by padding your world with material things.
  9. Recreate a New Set of Principles – The 10 Commitments
  10. Remandments – A more clear way of useful and measurable understanding of responsible limits to be accountable to for your own contributions to the world. Replace the 10 Commandments with something far more clear and specific.
Key Worldy Ideas to Investigate/Observe
  • Meta-Modernism
  • Continued Automation – Loss of Manual Skills and declining brain development
  • Consumerism and Overpopulation
  • Psychedelic Therapy – Moving into the Higher Centers for Healing (MDMA, Ketamine, Psilocybin, even LSD and following CBD.)
  • The Unbounded Nature of Money and the Institutions of Banking = Debt, Interest Rates and Bonds
  • NEOLiberalism as a foundation for Fascism
  • Repatriation of historic artifacts for cultures to reemerge from the forced assimilation of historical colonization and obliteration.
  • Assimilation = homogenization = loss of diversity = death to cultures and ecosystems
  • Cultural Relativism – How people from different backgrounds create seemingly different narratives to gloss over the worst of human behavior.
  • Brain vs. Mind Dichotomy –
    • The Role of Neurotransmitters in your moods, attitudes, behaviors and addictions.
  • The Power of Feminine Energy is not Beauty, but love, endurance, and immersion into compassion through truth telling.

Primary and Secondary States of Being – First from the deep unconscious and animal organism, and the second is from the Mind – the merger of (EPE experience, learning, decision-making, and attitude chosen toward something.)

Human Era’s: (Another way of Viewing Progress in times of Attitudes)
  • Ancient, (Mysticism)
  • Axial, (Hedonism)
  • Hellenistic, (Idealism)
  • Classical, (Stoicism)
  • Renaissance, (Materialism)
  • Romanticism, (Spiritualism)
  • Enlightenment, (Skepticism)
  • (Optimism)
  • Post Modernism (Cynicism)
  • Meta-Modernism. (Pragmatic Realism) It is the newly emergent Mature Soul Era. This is a Larger and very articulated way of engaging the rest of your lives and that of social development.

Challenging Your Own Margins (Edges of safety and thresholds of tolerances)

“There is a margin of the human mind that can stimulated by pain or inconvenience, but which is indifferent to pleasure…It was absolutely a fundamental recognition! It meant that life ‘de-valuation’ – the opposite of freedom – is due to our curious laziness, to a ‘childish spoildness’ that gets resentful and bored in the face of minor problems. And freedom, – moment of vision, of poetry, is due to a certain unconscious discipline of the Will. This Vision, this freedom, comes from a sub-conscious region inside us. And yet, in an odd way, we have power over this sub conscious region. Discipline and effort are all important.” By Colin Wilson in The Outsider page 295 – Postscript to 1982, 2nd publication – Wilson called the edge of awareness ‘St. Neot’s Margin’ – after the 9th Century Saint of the region. – (from Steve – the edge of emergence past a threshold)

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