Oct 272022

Listen to the Presentation of October 14th, 2022

Download 2022 – 4th Quarter Overleaves Presentation Slides
Part 1 – Current Overleaves & Implications
Part 2 – Visualization – Grasping Your Network for Mutuality
Part 3 – Question, Answers and Final Comments

Commentary on 2022 – Warrior/Masculine Energy Year

At this point, we find that many of our Students – a slight majority of which we term Old Souls, and for the 48% of Mature and a few Young Souls who make up the remaining part, feel there world as if an oppressive weight were lingering over them, like the famed sword of Damocles.  The inner conflict rests on a feeling of impending doom in one’s mind, is plagued by the sense of decisions that have a “damned if I do, damned if I don’t”, dichotomy of no-win outcomes.

In this period of human affairs, there is no standing still! Only risking something or stepping away (abdication) are on the table. In practical terms, this means leaving the familiar beliefs, habits, and associations, which have tended to coax you into feelings of confidence or physical security. For most people a sense of security is a financial luxury and emotion that most don’t have access to.

It underscores the contracted pole of the Mode of Power, augmenting a Warrior energy (to challenge and take action) with a harsh edged driven overtone from this year’s 100% Masculine Energy. It renders many a milder soul, more likely to feel exhausted or tenuous in the face of such circumstances pervading in the human world, yet also the sense of urgency even more uncertain. A crippling paradox that many despair or disassociate from. The only way to deal is be determined on your desired outcome and focus on it.

Indeed, the transition that humanity faces, as the dominant species on Earth, is whether to regress or progress. Regression, some might find distasteful to admit, is quite easy for the Intellectual Center to muster. It can easily generate negative pole rationalizations; while the ever functioning Instinctive Center have machine-like historic blueprints to revert to for automatic reaction habits. These originated from animal brain wiring, collective human conditioning (socialization) and a smattering of individual past life and sub-conscious memory.

The movement toward Progress is a risk-taking process with trial-and-error learning. The process of “holding one’s breath” and “taking a leap” across the chasm of the unknown (Liminal space) is a daring act and requires the kind of courage that a terrified person might feel it impossible to exert. A fall back to accepted social norms, personal beliefs and asserted dis-beliefs, offer a psychological “safety net” for inaction. Yet, that crossroad is exactly where most individuals are at. And in that choice, what is being asked within you, (indeed emotionally demanded) what do I do right now?!

In an Acceptance/Power/Intellectual Center/Idealist influence like now, the big internal hurdle most face is the willingness to resign to the past and fall back into ideas and notions that are NOT “tried and true” but familiar and romantic. And, since the emotional Center has been so compressed into a corner, a buildup toward – ‘I just want relief’ may push some who already tend to fear personal responsibility, to accede to old notions like authoritarian versions of decision making. This is witnessed in the amplification of extremist support of “strong arm” political parties and persons who offer “fix it” leadership, and ready to blame scapegoats: (blacks, Jews, women, or any other non-white male dominant groups or traditional ways of being.) This process is the way that Martyrdom slides to Impatience to cope with the associated helplessness that attends this Chief Feature.

On the individual scale, this is a reversion back to simplistic Idealistic naivetes like “if I will it, it will get done.” Which for many a person completely dismisses their actual history in favor of some bluster trying to macho their ways past fear (a losing strategy since it avoids any owning of one’s own tendencies). On the larger collective human level, of course these tendencies are played out in the venues of politics in many countries leaning backward toward right-wing, strong-man rulers. And, on the economic battle front, the familiarity with warfare being the means to an end (i.e. destruction and conquest) not only a “final solution” but psychologically, the reinforcement of the notion of “if you exert enough might (violence) you must be right.”

In every venue of human affairs, the notion to overpower and eliminate the competition (ironically often put forward by those who declare their support of freedom, democracy and competition), underscores just how intellectually bankrupt such notions are. But fear makes a person forget anything but self-preservation whether that translated into hide or attack (i.e. flight or fight).

In the American mindset, the historic narcissistic notion of “exceptionalism” is what underscores the assertion of MAGA – Murican’s Angry Gun Assholes. Yet it is a fraud perpetrated on those who buy into simplistic propaganda because they have been systematically programmed to believe that a ‘savior’ is likely to be the best way to climb out of a mess that consumerism has dug for them.  A situation they themselves participated in and now want a simple fix to maintain. That is why the so-called strong leader, like a military general or captain of industry or to a lesser degree celebrity from sports or show-business, are ideal images to project one’s most positive hopes upon. Not even the Infinite Soul, which is beginning to manifest at this time of the Paradigm Shift from Young to Mature Soul consciousness, is a SAVIOR. Nope! That need is the desire of the person who views themselves as a victim of an oppressive life. That negative pole Baby Soul Idealist notion leads them to permit themselves to support a counter oppressive force using notions like fairness and justice as internal justification for committing perpetrations (acting out upon others); and as an externalization of this emogic[1],  and supporting actual perpetrators who promise “defense” of you. Understand that real democracy is based upon participation (voting) and equal access (ability to vote without hinderance) and are both Mature Soul notions and practices.

Yet what has crept back onto the scene in many civic arenas, are privileged and exclusionary practices designed to justify and legally sanctified discrimination and voter disenfranchisement. Such practices are those that remain from the Baby/Young Soul notions of hierarchy in caste systems. One of the regressive tendencies we mentioned earlier. We speak to you in the real terms of the Body Politic, because deferring to spiritual notions is to dilute the real issues the human spirit faces hear and now. Spiritual lessons and advancement are always placed within your human experience, not avoiding it nor abstracting it with metaphysics.

By parallel, Acceptance of the notion that “there is no PLAY unless there is a PLAYGROUND” is finally taking roost in most people’s consciousness. Even those “climate change deniers” who first either dismiss all the Earth changes as either not happening or ‘natural’ are in high states of fearful/instinctive cognitive dissonance. Denial is the result! And when people want to protect themselves they support a “Big Lie” of much greater consequence than 9 million dead people rigged an election against their candidate. Namely, that ‘everything will be alright or somehow just work itself out’.

The larger delusion being maintained is that somehow humans can alter a biosphere as completely, and more significantly as quickly, as they do the manmade system like laws or the marketplace. A delusion that is costing the planet species diversity and habitat viability. And as mentioned earlier, the TAO, (more commonly termed God) does not send saviors to bail people out of the consequence of their individual or collective choices. Notice that the tenor of this kind of assumption smacks of a spoiled child whose sense of both entitlement and simplistic thinking wants nothing more than to have a tantrum. Indeed, this analogy points directly to the same negative underpinnings of both Baby Soul and Young Soul mentality of ‘me first’ and ‘fuck you.’ It is time to grow up and to confront these tantrum throwing bullies.

Connecting to Your Network (Listen to Visualization Part 2)

Mature Soul energy is based upon the idea of Inclusion, Mutuality and Commonality. By the latter, we are speaking of the similarities that all living beings share, not some false or idealistic concept of equality in a rights sense. No, instead, it is about the realization that no one makes it here alone. There are no single ‘rugged individualists’ that make things happen on their own. It has never been true. What has happened is that history takes the perspective of, and wants the myth of an individual hero, that is a time for that delusion to end. Everyone needs someone else!

The meditation is to help you find those people: connections, ideals, institutions and principles which make up the entirety of your sense of Self and the possibilities for any kind of expansion you might experience. Downfall and isolation happen to those who cannot admit to such connections. Even when the stories place them in the central position. Learning to draw and give energy in Networks that you are a part, will be essential for the promulgation of the new Mature Soul Paradigm. The time of heroes is at an end, the rise of coalitions of cooperative bands or enterprises is at its inception. Becoming aware and strengthening your networks can help you expand your potential and contribution.

The Suppression of the Emotional Center 

In 2022 the Emotional Center was essentially not favored, and even suppressed. Why? Both to allow for people to plunge forward and experience (Moving Center) various new achievements but to delay the repercussions that might have otherwise delayed them. In this last phase of the year (Intellectual Center) the realizations of what was achieved, why it was important, and reflections of the consequences (positive and negative) will give rise to an exposition of feeling in 2023.

Solipsism: Your Many Selves and Many Needs
(See the Slide Show and Follow along in Part 3) 

One of the mysteries about the Physical Plane that a person must reconcile is the plurality of impulses one can comprehend as Self. In the visual presentation a couple characterizes this point with the beginning idea of Solipsism. A term not familiar to most it is not to be confused with Narcissism which is more of an extreme psycho-social adaptation and often destructive to others. Solipsism, by our use of the term, is the idea that one’s frame of reference is the only source of verifiable knowledge. The Latin word ‘solus’ = alone is the root word and reflects the tendency built into the first 3 Soul Ages to see oneself as isolated and separate. And the Homo Sapien Sapien animal within which the human soul is installed for spiritual growth is also biologically hardwired for self-preservation which means selfishness. All children are naturally solipsistic for some period of time until socialized and they become psychologically capable of distinguishing self and other, like empathy. Not all develop empathy but almost all recognize others as friend or foe, comfort and aid, or pain and threat. But as general states, feeling insecure or emotionally fearful or under threat, the solipsistic reaction system of the brain kicks into a lower gear and circles the wagons into its own survival strategies and beliefs…at any Soul Age!

“The purpose of consciousness, and the pursuit of spiritual self-awareness, is to develop the meta-observation of your process as to witness it within yourself, and not simply be immersed or controlled by its reactivity.” Michael’s Consortium, 2021

In much New Age spiritual dictum, many have been led to believe, overly simplistically, that “their truth” is somehow a sacred reality in the Universe. Instead, it is a solipsistic opinion about reality that may, or may not, have any correspondence or useful survival value except Ego confirmation bias. For the Mature Soul Era to emerge, these logical fallacies must be seen and exposed; and overcome! The time for self-indulgence is over and the grace period for consequences arriving in your life at an end. No amount of positive thinking nor fantasizing about oneself will alter anything unless you change your behavior! There is a collective reality and a biological ferment to existence that has nothing at all to do with one’s opinion about it. No matter how self-righteously one asserts it!

Presented on one of the slides presented (available for download), we show you four different and useful consciousness exercises to dissect one’s Self for various means of understanding the many layers of one’s Psyche (combined Essence, Personality and Ego). From these many points-of-view it is possible to realize that many levels of activity, and thus motives, that at least coexist and either compete with or compliment one’s identity. To step out of Solipsism is to realize that it is happening all the time because it is wired into you. Only then can you see your biases but also your conflicting intentions, but maybe also discover higher order reasoning.

Pressure building in the collective consciousness and on the planet itself will force many to deal face-on with the failure of fallacies they’ve held; either about the world of humans or about how resilient, potent, or even overly underachieving one believed themselves. The reality of the next 7-year-cycle to develop some “grit” or toughness as Masculine Energy will push. The edge that anyone will walk is best summed up in Aristotle’s treatise on Anger, as expressed on the last slide of the presentation.

“Anyone can become angry,[2] that is easy; but to be angry with the right person and the right degree, and at the right person for the right purpose, that is not within everyone’s power and is not easy.” The Nicomachean Ethics

Seven Recommended Actions before 2022 Ends

  1. Reduce or eliminate as much debt as possible. Consolidate it.
  2. Finalize any legal documents: wills, trusts, deeds, contracts, etc.
  3. Finalize any outstanding transactions or exchanges or cancel them.
  4. Complete any action or goal left unfinished. Clean up whatever needs it.
  5. Make sure to communicate any last words, intentions or wishes to those you have felt unfinished business with. Close the case on whatever it was.
  6. Prepare for next year with your sense of purpose as clear and explicit as possible. Use it as your guide for the remainder of the decade. Hope will be in short supply, use purpose as your guide to action.
  7. Get a REAL diagnostic of your physical health; this includes dental and nutritional evaluation. You are here in a time-dated package, care for it!
Click Here to Download the 4th Quarter Slide Presentation in PDF

[1] Emogic – Emotionally charged ideas that distort one’s ability to reason with facts and thus leads to a series of “logical conclusions” that often justify the original underlying emotion (usually a painful or hurtful one). Emogic is rampant within religious doctrines and is the foundation for political propaganda.

[2] Anger is the primary expression of animal aggression embedded in the Homo Sapien mammal which is the human body.

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